How To Make Your Christmas Special: Plan In Advance

How To Make Your Christmas Special: Plan In Advance
“I’ve always thought of Christmas as a good time; a kind, forgiving, generous, pleasant time; a time when men and women seem to open their hearts freely, and so I say, God Bless Christmas.” – Charles Dickens
Christmas is just around the corner and there is so much to do! We generally push all our Christmas preparations to the last moment and hence have to do everything in haste.
Here is a list of the things that you can prepare beforehand in order to ease out your last minute burden.
• Time to start cleaning up and decorating
It takes a lot of time and attention to clean the whole house. It’s better to start early and to take one step at a time.
Devote one to two hours everyday for cleaning one room at a time, then move on to the balconies, garden and the porch.
Also, it is better to start whitewashing and painting your walls now. You don’t want the house to smell like distemper during your Christmas party. Finishing the job early would make sure that there aren’t any fumes and that your house won’t smell funny during the Christmas party.
Baubles and Mistletoe Source
After it’s done, you can slowly start decorating the house by putting up a Christmas tree and holly. Leave the baubles and mistletoe for the last moment as it’s always fun to put it on the Christmas Eve.
• Let’s start baking!
I know, you must be thinking, “How can I bake the Christmas cake so early?”
Well, I’m not talking about baking the Big Fudge. I am talking about the small knick-knacks that we think of baking every year but leave it, due to lack of time.
Christmas cookies Source
Afterall, who doesn’t like the traditional Christmas cookies, crispies and frosties? You can also plan a cookie exchange with your group of friends, where everyone brings their baked goods and you exchange, which will leave an assortment of cookies for everyone.
• Who has my Eggnog?
Eggnog prepared at home, tastes much better than the packed ones which have preservatives.It’s not hard to prepare. You just need some egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, milk, cream, a dash of bourbon and nutmeg.Just beat the egg yolks in a mixer grinder till they turn light in color. Next, heat milk, sugar, nutmeg and cream in a light flame and bring it to a boil. Take it off the heat and mix the egg yolks.Beat the egg whites till they become white, soft and fluffy. Put the mixture in a Jug and top it up with the fluffy egg white.Sprinkle some nutmeg on top.You can add a dash of bourbon if you want some zing, while you can serve the non-alcoholic version to the kids.Your Eggnog is ready. Have it when you are tired of doing all the Christmas chores.
Eggnog Source
• I’m making cards.
One thing that takes up most of your precious Christmas time is making cards and invites. I have a small trick that you can use to ease your problem.Take out your phone and browse though all the names that you want to send the cards to or invite for the party.Make a list of all the names in two different sheets of paper. Add the names of people who aren’t on your phone book, in that list.Also go through the previous years’ cards to check it twice (if Santa can, why can’t you?) to make sure you have put all the names. Now take a friend or a family member to help you write the invites and the cards.
Make cards in advance Source
• Gifts!
Buy that Jacket/Dress that you wanted to gift your partner, before it is sold out. Pushing the plan of buy the gifts to the last moment is bad planning.Not only you will have to face the queues and crowds, but there are chances, you won’t get the things you are looking for, and end up spending a fortune for things that are not up to mark. Hence, go today, and buy all the gifts before they run out!
Christmas Gifts Source
• Let’s brew some concoctions
You can’t prepare food, for your party, a week before Christmas. But you can prepare a few things for the drinks. You can make mojito cubes and fruits punch cubes. All you have to do is put concentrated lemon juice and mint mixture, and concentrated fruit punch mix in ice moulds and freeze. You can take them out on D-Day and quickly serve them. You should also remember to stock up beforehand.
Prepare in Advance Fruit Puch Source
• Party planning!
It isn’t as difficult as it seems to be. All you need to do is calculate the amount of food and drinks beforehand on the basis of the headcount. Go to the supermarket and stock up early. Get the things which are necessary and don’t get swayed by the new Christmas special items. They are costlier!
Shopping for Party Source
• May I get a menu?
Prepare a menu for the party in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It’s not wise to spend money, more than necessary. People have different tastes. So prepare a menu which is simple yet all people can enjoy them. Sandwiches, popcorns and nachos are some of the options. Remember, there might be vegetarians as well. So prepare both vegetarian and non-vegetarian items.
May I get a menu? Source
• Let’s go shopping
Christmas isn’t just about people around you,it’s also about you. Get some me time and go for some shopping. Get yourself a gift or two. Buy that dress/shirt or watch you wanted for so long.After all you deserve it for yourself. Indulge in food and desserts, all by yourself, or go for a movie alone. Trust me, after working this much, you’ll enjoy it.
Let’s go shopping Source
You are prepared for Christmas. Now all you need to do it relax. Visit your loved ones, spread the Love, warmth and Christmas spirit all around you and get some too.