How to get a grip on your ego?

Top Five ways to get a grip on your ego
‘Ego’ – it is a major problem faced by most of the youngsters out there. Well, ego is neither good nor bad. It is actually false and it only blocks the vision of our real self. But do you know it is important to pass the stage of falsehood to reach the truth because there is no other way to perceive the truth directly? This three letter word can bring destruction in life. It has the ability to destroy happiest relationships. So, to lead a happy life it is important for you to get grip on your ego. But everyone doesn’t get an opportunity to work on his/ her ego before it gets too late.

So if you really want to get a grip on your ego, here are five tips to follow
Accept your mistakes: One of the easiest way to work on your mistakes, you should accept your mistakes. It’s normal to commit a mistake but if you don’t accept them then it’s not a good thing. You should accept them and should work on them
Knowing that you are not the best: Half of your ego problems can get solved, if you understand one thing that you can’t do everything. And there are people who can do some work better than you. You should not be hard to someone just because they can do certain work and you can’t.

Do not brag about yourself: It is good to have high self -esteem, but bragging about yourself is just not needed. If you have really done something in your life, people will automatically come to you and will respect you for your accomplishment. So talking about your greatness is just not needed. The lesser you brag about yourself, the more humble you will become
Appreciate others as well: It is important to appreciate others because what you give = what to you take. Let your partner or friend know how beautiful they look in a particular dress and what you feel about their personality
Be thankful for the things you have: You should be thankful for each and every thing that you have in life. No matter how small is that thing? Always try to understand the other person position as well. It will make you a humble person and this way you would be able to give more way to ego to melt
Albert Einstein once said:
“More the knowledge, Lesser the Ego,
Lesser the Knowledge, More the Ego…”