How to attract a man: Five qualities of a woman that guys find sexy

How to attract a man, here are five qualities to get the man of your dreams
When a man meets a woman for the first time, there are certain things that he immediately notices, which soon attract him towards her. If you want a guy to notice you, then you should definitely plan your moves according to what he would notice.
Here are 5 qualities that attract a man to a woman:
1. Smile
Smile is one of the first qualities that attract a man to a woman. If you have an attractive, vibrant smile, you are bound to grab his attention. So if your smile is one of your strengths, use it to the fullest, and make him notice you. He is bound to smile back.

2. Hair
Beautiful hair is an attractive trait. A girl with beautiful hair is instantly attractive. If you have great hair, use it to your advantage. Show your elegance and how you take care of yourself. He’s bound to be impressed.
3. Sense of humour
Usually, men are the ones cracking jokes and using their sense of humour. But when a woman takes the lead with jokes and witty one-liners, it drives men crazy. It’s a rare trait, and can make you stand out amongst other women.

4. Communication skills
Strike up a good conversation with him; share your thoughts and views on whatever you have in common. If a man can have meaningful, interesting conversations with you, he’s definitely going to be fond of you. Be confident and smooth, and he’s bound to be impressed. These are a few things that attract men when you meet them for the first time. So next time you want to impress a new guy, you know how to be prepared!
5. Intelligence
Gone are the days when dumb blondes were considered to be perfect women. Nowadays, men prefer women with intelligence, who are knowledgeable and have their own opinions. ‘Intelligent is the new sexy’ is a very true statement, but try not to seem like a know-it-all.