Have You Found A ‘Gentleman’?

Have You Found A ‘Gentleman’?
Everyone believes in fairytales and hopes to find a gentleman who would treat us like the apple of their eyes. However, when you date someone it is hard to decide if you have actually found the gentleman meant for you. But what are the characteristics of a gentleman? Here, we have laid down few points which would help you to find or know if you are dating the right man.
The way he treats you: You might have been in a relationship before too but after you meet this guy, you feel as if you were just looking in the wrong places all this while and now have finally landed in a place you always dreamt about. He somehow never fails to make you feel like a princess and pampers you like you are still a kid. You feel absolutely lucky about being with him since you have just got what you were wishing for. No matter with whom you are, he waits for your call or text to let him know that you are safe and home, makes sure that you get what you wish for.
Never fails to emote: Usually we meet guys who always show their macho side and feel it is a crime to show the emotional and caring side. However, a gentleman would never mind showing you what he feels about you. He would not be blunt but would let you know about things he didn’t like and would appreciate you for the things you do for him. He would not mind crying in an emotional scene of a movie and would not forget to first offer you his handkerchief to wipe your tears. He will be expressive about his emotions even in public but would also take care of your comfort. Now, who will not love a man like him?
Surprise! Every girl loves surprises, no matter what her age is. However, before you met him life was not at all adventurous but since you have met him something or the other has been happening. Not so often but whenever he visits somewhere and looks at something, he thinks about how it would look good on you. You should feel lucky if you wake up every morning next to fresh flowers and your favorite chocolate, if you forget what you wished for but he gets youthe exact same thing and yes also, if he reminds you and gifts you even on monthly anniversary.
Prefers you, not your looks: If he is one of those people who says “Hey! You look cute!” even when you are in your night suit or look absolutely shabby then you know you are dating the best man on this Earth. A gentleman would never look at how you look but how easily you understand him.
He gives you space: It’s not only guys who cry for space in a relationship, even a lot of girls cry for their space. It is hard to understand a small difference between space and ignorance and those who understand it well, can stay happily ever after. if you are dating a man who believes in living and letting others live, with whom you don’t have to seek permission to go with someone else but just have to tell, who respects your decision and guides you on them if you go wrong, then he is the perfect guy.