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Five things you do that might turn off your girl!

Love is a game that needs a lot of patients, if you want to win someone. You might be trying your luck hard for the one, who is now- a- days driving you crazy but trust me! Boys there are few things that you should always keep in mind otherwise it can turn off your girl.
- Being too passive: Girls wants to get charged once in a while and if every time she takes the charge then probably she will lose the interest.
- Rushing into sex: Take things slow and if you would quickly rush into sex it will make her uncomfortable.
- Talking about yourself all the time: If you keep on talking about yourself all the time. Without bothering whether she is interested, it will prove a big turn off.
- Poor Hygiene: Girls like to maintain hygiene and expect from his guy but if constantly not maintain it as you understand sense of smell is very powerful.
- Cell phone addiction: She is talking to you and you are busy in checking your phone this really irritates a girl.