Five things we hate about MCP ‘Boyfriends’

No matter from how long we know each other but the moment he becomes our boyfriend, we witness an altogether change in our life isn’t?
Of course, he loves us but just because we are no more friends rather we are in a relationship, he assumes to get some weird rights that we really hate about them.
• Shouting at you about every little thing and finding a way to prove he is correct every time.
• Unrealistic demands and expectation from girlfriends and wives.
• Stereotyping “Ladkhiyon ka dimag ghutno mai hota hai” (A girl’s brain is in her knees, roughly translated), we just hate it. If you can’t appreciate our intelligence kindly don’t judge.
• You need a virgin wife. No simply no! With your girlfriend you always eager to take your relationship on next level but the moment it comes to wife you want a ‘shudh’ (pure) girl.
• Being ‘Authoritative’, I am the man so don’t fool me. ‘Mai sahi keh raha hu meri chalni chaiye’ (what I am saying is right, and you should listen to me). Oh please! Guys we are in 21st century and are to you.