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Five easy steps to Happiness!

We all want to be happy in life. Happy people are more successful and fun to be around. Everybody likes being around positive people who are all sunny smiles.

Happier people have lower health risks and greater work prosperity. Happiness makes life easier socially, emotionally and personally.

But it isn’t all that easy to beat the blues. Fighting stress every morning and battling the world with a smile on our faces is not that easy. Bringing small changes in the way we live can result in major impacts on our levels of stress.

So Cheer Up! Here are five simple lifestyle changes that can actually make you happy.

Five easy steps to Happiness!


1. Eat Proper Meals

Healthy food at proper intervals keeps you energetic throughout the day and keeps your efficiency up. Avoiding junk reduces biological stress but once in a while that coveted piece of pizza or chocolate won’t do much harm after all. A bit of calories aren’t all that bad in exchange of some happiness. But make sure this doesn’t become a habit; a fat body could result in further stress.

Five easy steps to Happiness!


2. Sleep properly

Sufficient amount of sleep is a must for a healthy body and a happy heart. Ideal level of rest keeps us far from cranky. So make sure you sleep at a fixed time everyday, sleep in a relaxed position and avoid using gadgets before you sleep. Also wash your sheets frequently. So every night just snuggle into the pillow and sleep deep.

Five easy steps to Happiness!


3. Meditate

Mediation or Yoga keeps the mind and body calm and fresh. You don’t wear out in the day easily and your emotional stability rises. A calm soul always leads to a happy heart.

Five easy steps to Happiness!


4. Play

Make sure you indulge in some physical sport. Achievement of small goals during playing makes us happier. Physical exercise maintains metabolism and body homeostasis, the brain and body cells remain well charged and the level of serotonin or the happiness hormone increases.

Five easy steps to Happiness!


5. Invest in your dreams

Take out time to do what you want and like. Fulfillment of dreams leads to happiness. Doing what gives you pleasure, what relaxes you, what gives you a deep sense of fulfillment is bound to give you immense joy. Your dreams are your extension, investing in them would always give incomparable joy.

Stay cheerful, give you best and just enjoy your life.

Live. Love. Laugh.

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