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Exclusive: PG people you will definitely relate to this!

If you are living away from your home town in order to get better life opportunities and staying in PG then guys you can totally relate to these points.
Freshly out of school or college, with new responsibilities it made complete sense to move into a P.G. Not having to deal with the hassles that come with living in a flat by yourself, this was the best option!
Here, are some points you can totally relate too!
When you live in PG
1. There was very little difference between a strict housemaster and your landlady. You knew you had to be in the good books to get your way around things! 2. You have definitely introduced your boyfriend as your cousin brother at least once! 3. You had set deals that you could strike with the security guard at the gate. 50 bucks for letting you in after 10 pm and 100 bucks to let your friend come in too! 4. This is the exact period in your life where you started either losing too much weight or gaining too much weight. Eating out pretty much is an everyday thing, given the taste of the food at your P.G. 5. You go all Ninja if you hear a girl scream from her room about the pesky little lizard. 6. Getting ready to go for your first date? Lot to choose from different wardrobes. These girls would definitely make sure that you step out in your best avatar. 7. After all the night-outs, you had to come back and give all the exciting details to someone. Late night gossip sessions had become a part of life! 8. You always had a study partner during exams. Someone to accompany you while you were burning the midnight oil! 9. Those long annoying bathroom queues especially during 8:45 class! Wow, we learnt how to hasten that process for sure! 10. Your P.G. mate has seen you through your worst times and was your shoulder to cry on when you really needed it!
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