Emotional Intelligence at Workplace!

Emotional Intelligence at Workplace!
There is no weakness in being able to love fully. It takes courage, tenacity, and an emotional intelligence that most people are incapable of.” ― Alafia Stewart
You may be intelligent enough to be the best performer at your workplace but is your I.Q level enough to make you a star performer? Well, if you think so, then give it a second thought because your strong intelligence would not work until or unless you are not emotionally intelligent.
IQ is different from EQ; people with high EQ have tremendous advantages, which far outweigh people with high IQ, who may have problems of tantrums and often have mood swings.
Employees are now tired of playing games and in today’s time they just want to be themselves. Now they want their leaders to be more emotionally stable to be able to balance their personal and professional life.
Here are some suggestions to get started to achieve your desired E.Q.
• Have Human Touch: Caring is a simple thing to do for someone, right? While working, one has to manage her/his heart and head together. For that it is important to maintain that human touch with your co- workers. For example by saying ‘Thank you’ if they help you and be consistent about it.
This will not only motivate them to help you but you will also feel happy about it.
• Try to think on common grounds: Differences between two people is apparent but then to get stability in your relationships what you can do? Well, you can try to find similarity in your different opinions. Baffled? Don’t be, just be smart and look for common grounds within the differences.
• Appreciate innovations: When a clash occurs between you and your co- worker, call it ‘Diversity’ rather than a difference of opinion. Try to understand other’s perspective too and appreciate innovations in the thought process.
• Take Initiative: You can never expect any kind of appreciation or help from your co- worker until or unless you start with yourself. You should be sensitive enough before making any statement on others. Try to behave mature and try to be more open.
• Be Transparent: If you want a happy and good environment around yourself, being transparent really helps. If something irks you, communicate and solve it at that point only rather stretching your anger. This will make you emotionally stable.
Well, this is just for start up before we go ahead with some test it is important to inculcate above said points to have good E.Q.
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