Earphones: A danger?

Earphones: A danger?
We all are different from each other in many ways, but there is one common thing which connects us unknowingly, music. Slow, fast, trance, rock, pop, Sufi etc. Every form of music finds an emotion to stir, an emotion to express. Hooking on to your earphones and playing the music you love takes you to another world and a lot of us do that by playing the songs on the loudest volume.
But did you know that there could be some health hazards due to this?
Please stop the music:
In the kind of earphones which are easily accessible and cheap, the sound or the audio goes directly into the ears. So whenever you listen to loudest music which exceeds 90 decibels (which is the maximum your ears can take), you are risking yourself of being deaf. If you really want to keep your ears healthy then it is recommended to use earphones which are of good quality and it is recommended not to listen to music for more than 15 minutes. However, if you are a person who loves to listen to music endlessly, then you should listen to music at very low volume and try to pause the music for a while in between.
Do not share:
A lot of people- friends, family, siblings etc. tend to share single earphones but did you know that sharing of earphones could result in ear infection? The bacteria of ears can easily travel from one ear to another due to sharing.
Damage to brain
Earphones release electromagnetic waves which can cause serious damage to your brain. Though there are no medical proofs for it but people who often use bluetooth, headphones and earphones have been found more prone to brain related problems.Also, people have felt a pricking pain in some part of the ear and some sort of buzzing sound due to damages caused by the ear phone.
Life Threatening Accidents
When you move on roads you can see number of people, mostly youngsters, using ear phones. Well, a lot of ear phones have the potential of stopping the noises around, due to which the person is unable to listen to the noise around, which ultimately drags him/her closer to a higher risk of road accident. Not only people who are walking but people who are driving are at the same risk of losing their life. Due to the earphones, one cannot hear the honks, and thus become victims of some unfortunate accidents.