Don’t wait to express your feelings of love and respect!

We have close relatives and friends who are dear to us, but at times we do not express our feelings to them, out of some odd reason, like shyness, what will they think about us when we express ourselves to them or may be because of the doubt, if they will continue to be close to us after we have expressed ourselves to them.
These thoughts can ruin the relationship because, after all, we all need love and respect. I loved Aunty Sharma very much, but would never express myself fully out of the reasons given above.
A year back, I lost her. It was a very sad moment for me and I did not know how to express myself to Uncle Sharma. I met him few times on various occasions and now that he has migrated to US with his children, I repent not having expressed my love.
At times I wish that those good old days that I spent with Aunty Sharma, are back so that I could express my feelings to her. I cannot get her back from anywhere. Had I expressed myself there and then I would not have been so depressed.
After all, expressing makes us feel lighter and happier. Give and take is the law of nature. If we give love and respect to our dear ones we get it back many folds.
So live in the present moment and express love and respect whenever you get a chance to express it.