Don’t be so judgmental!

We live in a society where judgments come naturally to us. We keep on judging people, if someone doesn’t reply to our ‘Hi’, he or she will be tagged with a word called rude. Most of us judge others on the basis of physical appearance and vice –versa.
If a girl agrees to have sex before marriage, people will say she doesn’t have ethics and if she refuses to do so, she is conservative. If a boy listens to his better half, he is so called ‘Joru ka Ghulam’ (Henpecked), and if doesn’t then he don’t know how to respect girls.
Everything in this world is divided into our thoughts and opinions. All those things that are not in our framework, we judge them as good, bad, pretty, ugly, right and wrong.
Well, don’t you think it’s high time and we should stop judging people? Every girl who smokes is not an easy target. Every boy who loves his better half appreciates her decisions that don’t mean he is ‘Joru Ka Ghulam’.
Our pre-convinced notions can destroy our relationships and lead to complications. So, its better to keep it sweet and simple by not judging others. Because they can be more capable, smarter and good human being that you are.
Stop judging book by its cover because the story inside it might inspire you for rest of your life.