Does My Gender Define Me?
Whenever you fill in any application form, you come across a column named gender and you are given two options to choose from male and female, right?
So,all the people who apply for jobs have to be either male or female? Most of us probably think the same but we forget that a small section of our society comprises of a third gender called ‘Transgender’. This need for classification makes them feel alienated from the society despite of the fact that they can be as talented as the rest of them.
Eunuchs celebrating their victory
When we are discriminated on any ground, we feel bad about it. We try to raise are voice and ask for amendments in our constitution. We come on roads and demonstrate to fight for our rights, but if someone comes and claims ‘his/ her’ rights, we deny it.
Trans Sexuality as a phenomenon has gained very less visibility and knowledge in our society – precisely why it is very easy for us to laugh at people who belong to this category.
In fact our Indian society contains the largest visible transgender population in the world called “Eunuchs.” They might have succeeded in making a place for them in the Indian Society, but it is a place pretty much at the bottom of the social heap- making them not just sexually deprived but also highly deprived of basic amenities and jobs.
Eunuchs community
Some of them shared their experiences with One World News.
“People around us take us as a joke. What do they think we are just meant to take money? Trust me no one among us wants to take money like this rather we believe in earning it, but we are not blessed with so many opportunities like others”, says Tamanna.
“You know our community was blessed by the power ofconferring blessings on peopleby Lord Rama. We dance and sing on auspicious occasions but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have any self-respect”, says Tanya.
They face discrimination everywhere they go, harassment by police and even at their homes.
“Something I miss in my life is love. I don’t have brothers, sisters or parents; when I see people around me with their families, I wonder why god didn’t bless me with the same happiness”, says Tara.
Creating awareness
This is just one such segment of society, there are gays, lesbians and bisexuals too in the oppressed communities. And it would be surprising for you to know that they are afraid to talk just because society will make fun of them.
“When I told my parents that I like boys not girls at the age of 18 I was beaten badly. I was kept locked in a room for three days and was not given food and on the third day I forcefully said that I like girls. Eventually, my parents understood my condition and supported me but everyone doesn’t get parents like me”, says Bhavya Gulati.
He further added that “My parents supported me but not the society or people around me. They crack jokes on me and pass comments on my parents. I think this is shameful for them not me.”
India’s constitution talks about equality but it is far from the reality. Making laws and doing amendments is not a solution, rather this stigma which is attached to their identity has to be removed.
They will be equally treated when we will understandthat they are also humans and are as capable as we are. The day we will find a eunuch person as a friend or as a co-worker, we can truly help fight this unjust bias.
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