Do you know the History of wearing ‘Underwear?’

What is the story behind wearing undergarments?
In this world, everyone wears underwear. But have you ever wondered how this practice was established? And how much time it took to come in trend. We all know that everyone does wear underwear and perhaps it is very old process. But do you even know that the people are using underwear from last 7,000 years?

7,000 years ago, People used to use leather to cover their intimate areas so that they can run easily People usually wear it, so that they can run easily. But the fabric which they were using was not comfortable. Due to it, people had to suffer with itching and many other problems. After the Renaissance period, some special kind of underwear came into the market.

After the period of Renaissance, Industrial period came. In 1874, Chicago made underwear for riding a bicycle, so that people can safely ride it. It was followed by a Canadian company ‘Guelph Elastic Hosiery’, the first company to provide such hard-cups support in underwear. After this, Underwear became more trendy and obviously a need for all of us. Then many new companies of underwear came in the market and it successfully going on.
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