DIY Christmas Decor

DIY Christmas Decor
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All The Way.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town,
Riding on a Sleigh!
Come December, and everyone is waiting for the 25th! There is festivity spread in the air. We tell you how to make your house look more ‘Christmasy’ this 25th with some easy do-it-yourself ideas and concepts. And better so, if there is a Christmas Gala at your place. Have a Merry Christmas!
• Misty Mistletoe
Traditionally, they have been used as Christmas decorations. And since we cannot get a mistletoe here, why not make it on your own.
Materials Required: Felt tip pen, Green Velvet Paper, a pair of scissors, cotton, and red ribbon
How to do it?
• Look for a figure of a mistletoe and sketch it at the back of the velvet paper with the help of a felt tip pen. You can experiment with various shades of green here.
• Cut the figures out with a pair of scissors.
• Make small cotton balls and stick them on the leaves to give an impression of the ice.
• Connect them all with a red colored ribbon. Also make a loop to hang them at the door or the staircase.
• Snowy Snowman
Snow+ Winters+ Christmas= Perfect Combination. Let’s learn how to make a snowman:
Materials Required: Small plastic bottle, white, black and orange paint, paint brushes, tape/fevicol.
How to do it?
• Paint a small plastic bottle white with the help of a paint brush.
• After the paint has dried, with the help of a thin brush make small eyes and a smile of the snowman.
• Make the nose of the snowman with orange paint.
• Take a red ribbon and stick it on the cap of the bottle with the help of tape/fevicol.
• All Lit Up!
The great tree…the epitome of Christmas!
Materials Required: Wool balls of varied colors, a pair of scissors, fairy lights, cartridge sheet, fevicol, tape, a red star.
How to do it?
• Take a handmade sheet or a cartridge sheet and make a cone like structure with the pointed end facing upwards.
• Take a wool ball of any color and start putting the wool strings in a zig-zag manner as can be seen in the figure. Make sure that each color is spread over the entire area, and not restricted to a part of the structure.
• When you wish to add a new color, chop off the end of the previous color with the pair of scissors and start off, again in the same way.
• Tape the circular end of the conical structure to prevent any sharp cuts while working.
• Take the Fairy Lights and fill them in the structure.
• In the end put a glittery white star at the top.
• Turn on the lights at night and see your tree dazzle.
• For Cool Pictures
What’s a party, without some cool pictures?
Make some cool party props to make your Christmas party memorable.
Materials Required: Cardboard, Paints, Brushes, Black Felt tip pen, pair of scissors/cutter, bamboo sticks, and tape.
How to do it?
•Sketch some Christmas related symbols like Santa cap and Beard, Stockings, Gifts, Rudolph’s Red Nose and sketch them on a cardboard.
• Paint them with assorted colors and use a black felt tip pen to outline the drawings.
• Cut them cleanly with the help of cutter/pair of scissors.
• With the help of adhesive tape, stick bamboo sticks behind each of them to hold while getting clicked.
• You can also add a funky backdrop or frames to add some more quirk to the pictures.
• Peanut People
Winters in India is characterized by Aunties, sitting in the sun eating peanuts. So let’s make the decor a little ‘desi’.
Materials Required: Peanuts, paints, paint brushes, wool, a long string, black felt tip pen, wool, acrylic sheet, pair of scissors, and some metal wires
How to do it?
• For making a reindeer just draw two eyes and nose with a thin paint brush dipped in black paint. Add a nose and a string of brown wool string to give the impression of ears. Make reindeer horns with a felt tip pen on the acrylic sheet.
• For the snowman, color the peanut with a paint brush. Color the upper part with some other color. With the help of a felt tip pen draw the features of the snowman. Twist the wires to add hands and a string of wool.
• For the Santa, color the peanut red and draw the features with the felt tip pen.
Now make these figures according to the place you wish to hang them. You can experiment with different characters. Connect them all on a string and you are all set.
• Pasta Shasta
And you thought, pasta is just meant to be eaten!
Materials Required: Silver Spray paint, raw bowtie pasta, fevicol, paint brush, glitter, and string.
How to do it?
• Spray silver paint on bowtie pasta.
• After it has dried, with the help of a paint brush spread some fevicol on the certain areas of the pasta.
• Add some glitter on that area. Play with the colors here.
• Tie all these with a string. Choose some pop colors of the string to highlight.
• Gifts or Pillows
Who knew you could turn pillows to gifts?
Materials Required: Ribbons, readymade bows, pair of scissors, double sided tape.
How to do it?
• Take some pop colored cushions and tie a broad width ribbon around it, as can be seen in the picture with the help of double sided tape.
• Stick a readymade bow in the middle.
• You can experiment here with different styles here by placing it in the middle or side or putting a drawing instead of a bow.
• Thoda Hatke X’Mas
Our houses are piled with piles of newspaper and magazines just lying around. Let’s put this junk to work.
Materials Required: Old magazines and newspapers, carnations, baubles.
How to do it?
• Take an old magazine and remove its front and back cover as they are thick.
• Now fold the sheets in a manner that they form a triangle.
• Repeat this technique for all the pages.
• Once you have mastered this technique for a small magazine you can graduate to a bigger magazine.
• In the end decorate the tree with carnations and baubles.
• Origami Patterns
Remember the good old days of art classes? Well, they have returned!
Materials Required: Different colored sheets, pencil, pair of scissors, nylon strings.
How to do it?
• Take origami sheets in different colors.
• Fold the sheet in half and draw some patterns on them.
• While keeping the sheet folded, neatly cut those patterns.
• Make multiple patterns on the sheets and connect them with nylon strings.
• Add fairy lights, if you wish.
• Light the World
This is inspired from Diwali, and is a very simple and elegant way of decorating.
Materials Required: Glass jars, candle, different colors of glitter.
How to do it?
• Take a glass jar and clean them well.
• Add various layers of glitter in the jars: contrasting like red and silver or multiple shade.
• Place the candles over the glitter and light them when it’s right.
• Disco Deewane
In the age of pen drives, it’s time to recycle your old CDs and DVDs and put them to decor.
Materials Required: Old CDs, pair of scissors, strong adhesive, transparent baubles, glitter.
How to do it?
• With the help of a pair of scissors, cut the CDs into smaller irregular pieces.
• With the help of a strong adhesive, stick them on the transparent baubles.
• Open up the baubles and add some, for that extra shine.
• Santa-ical Chairs
If you are an expert at stitching then this concept is tailor made for you.
Materials Required: Stitching machine, red and white cloth, pom poms.
How to do it?
• Take a nice red cloth.
• Measure the dimensions of your chair and then cut the red cloth accordingly.
• Stitch it in the shape of Santa’s cap.
• Add a white cloth as the border and a pom pom to complete the look of your chair.
• Bow Wreath
A Christmas party is incomplete without a wreath at the door!
Materials Required: Thermocol, cutter, bows, newspaper, double sided tape, fevicol.
How to do it?
• Cut two thermocol sheets in the shape of donut/vada.
• Stick the two sheets with a fevicol and add newspaper to the thermocol to give it some volume.
• Stick different colored bows with the help of double sided tape.
• Candy Crush
What is Christmas without some sweets and candies?
We tell you how to decorate them!
Materials Required: Candies, a ribbon.
How to do it?
• Take all the candies and tie them together with a ribbon.
• Add flowers and pull the candies off when no one’s looking.