China: A Study in Contrast To India

China: A Study in Contrast To India
Everything has been already said in this matter but as no one listens in India, we must always begin again. Surely India is a great country and has many USPs but it lacks basic etiquettes. A visit to China presents a fresh perspective as to why China has progressed so much in the last two decades. Following are some of the local and national habits that ought to make a significant difference, if implemented in a correct manner:
Clean raods of China
Early Start: Start early and finish early is the motto of Chinese people. They start their day early in the morning. There is a buzz on the streets and marketplaces, from as early as 6 O’clock. Most of the people culminate their chores early evening. They sleep early and rise early. This ensures their health to remain good.
Women Safety: Women safety is one of the biggest assets of China. Women can be seen outdoors late at nights without any inhibitions. They roam around without any fear of a stalker or a potential rapist. This enables the women to have the freedom of thought and translates into better opportunities for them.
A sales representative explaining her company’s positon
Women Empowerment: If there is one thing where China has come out on top then it has to be Women empowerment. Majority of the factories and offices bustle with women workers. Most of the office representatives are females. They are treated as equal with any discrimination. One half (women) of the population is equal to the other half (men). This ensures the economic and social development.
Punctuality: If a Chinese citizen says she/he will meet you at 10 O’clock in the morning, he is going to be there at 10 O’clock sharp; not a minute early not a minute late. They follow the famous Buddhist saying “The trouble is, you think you have time”. They like to get on with job without any delays. There is no scope of procrastination. They value their time immensely, more so of the opposite party.
Lane driving on the roads of Shenzen
Humility: True humility is staying hungry regardless of how much you already know. The progress of China is no hidden agenda but yet the people remain humble. They have no sense of boasting. They appreciate their accomplishments and get on with the job at the hand. They treat everyone with a sense of equality.
Cleanliness: Believe it or not but they clean their already clean utensils with Chinese tea before using it. Cleanliness is an essential part of their life. They don’t litter and if they see littering on the road they don’t feel shy to throw it to the dustbins. They cleanliness workers are on their toes to clean anything that is thrown out.
People going to work at 7 in the morning
Hospitality: ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ which means a guest should be treated as God with fine hospitality is a famous saying in India. Chinese seem to follow the tradition with utmost diligence. They treat their guest remarkable well. The first thing they do is offer the Chinese tea which is good for health. They always walk behind the guest. They offer many delicacies to the guest. They do everything to make the guest feel at home.
Women working in a factory
Traffic Etiquettes: There are no traffic jams when you follow the traffic rules. People stop before the zebra crossing when the signals turn red. They wait patiently till the traffic light turn green. The pedestrians cross the road only through foot over bridges and zebra crossings. Everyone plays their part and feel proud about that.
India has many things to learn from China and it would not be a shame in admitting it. It would help India in the longer run.