Bra Etiquette that every girl should know!

Do you wash your bra regularly? If not then start doing!
Wearing tight fitted bra is not an easy task. We all have tight packed schedules that does not give us time to wash our clothes on a regular basis. And we clean them only when our clothes start to turn on us and demand to be cleaned. And that includes the undergarments we wear on a regular basis, which are more sensitive than we give them credit for.

Even though our bras might get washed less frequently than our shirts, the truth is that the closer something is to your body, the more frequently you should be cleaning it. Don’t ignore your inner wears do wash them regularly.
Here, are 5 consequences if you don’t wash your bras enough:
1. Nasty Things Will Accumulate On Your Bra
This is the first thing that can happen to your bra. Bacteria, oil, dirt, lotion, microorganisms, yeast, fungi — these merely make up the tip of the iceberg. The longer you don’t wash your bra, the more these nasties assemble without your permission. Well as per expert these things are not dangerous but then we should wash our bras in order to avoid this.
2. Your Bra Will Start To Smell — And That Smell Might Rub Off On Your Other Clothes
We all are aware of this fact. If you don’t wash your bra for long time it start smelling bad. It does not matter how many times you spritz a little perfume on it as you get dressed in the morning; there will come a time when it’s so dirty that it smells like a gym locker room you have become immune to. And that faint smell could potentially rub off on your other clothes, meaning you could be walking around with a generally unpleasant scent.

3. Your Bra Might Become Stained
Deodorant is your best friend — until it sits on your undergarment for several days in a row and leaves a yellowish-beige stain on your lacy bra, that is. If you dont wash your bra for an long time this will be major consequence. Dirt and oil like to gather together too, resulting in sweat discolorations that will be tough to get out
4. You Could Get An Acne Breakout
This is especially likely to happen if you are exercising in sports bras a lot. Sweaty undergarments are one of the most common causes of body acne and if you have never had it, do not bring it upon yourself. Because bras are so tight and close to the skin, all the grimey bacteria that has built up over time can easily cause friction. Acne can cause anywhere due to rubbing and excess heat, so if you do not wash your bra enough, you may be hit with some acne, as well as pimples along your rib cage and underboob area.
5. You Might Get A Rash Or An Infection
Dirty bras have potential to cause you a skin infection. Sometimes it is because the garments do not fit properly, and sometimes it is because they are not washed often enough. That yeast and bacteria might result in a pink patch where the skin becomes raw, leading to redness and irritation (which can be cured in a day or two), a rash, or an infection. An infection would probably send you to a doctor, where you may have to get prescription meds to zap the problem.
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