Being a little deviant

Our society is not a perfect one. It cannot be. A perfect society is an utopia.
Any society has some people who are normal and some who are not. It is normal to have people who are a little deviant from the society.
The weird deviant sadly has lot of negative convictions to it and people always try to look down on such people. One thing that we have to understand is that there is a difference between people who are deviant and people who cause damage.
One can be deviant and yet be harmless. The word deviant here has been used her in the sense of people who are termed “crazy” by people. People who suffer from some type of mental illness and are segregated from the society because of this. What these people face is the worst kind of treatment and no respect.
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
What these people need is acceptance and love from others and only then can we learn to progress and grow as a society.