Bang! Bang! Let’s play with slang!

Bang! Bang! Let’s play with slang!
Well, one can be tagged as old fashioned, if one is not aware about the latest slangs in trend. Any youngster can anytime hit you with a word like, ‘Screenager’ and at that time raising eye brows will not work! So, it’s better to keep ourselves updated.
Here is a list of some trendy terms that teens are using now- a- days.
Full of beans: That means loaded with energy. Example: These kids are full of beans.
WCW: You might be aware of this term, if you are a true instagrammar! This means Woman Crush Wednesday on Twitter and Instagram and we truly love it because it has become the symbol of positivity among women.
Budge – up: This can be heard in Metros. One can find youngsters using it repeatedly in order to manage some space for them. It means to make space.
PAW: If you find your kid texting PAW to someone it means he or she is talking something confidential to other person because it means ‘Parents Are Watching’.
PoPo: I have heard DoDo but now if you are not aware about latest things. You are a PoPo. It means stupid.
Noob: If someone is new to a particular field, then he or she is a Noob that means a fresher.
Turnt- up: It means partying really hard.
BAE: No more shona or baby just call your better half BAE.
I know you are still stuck at Screenager. So, let me reveal the meaning. It means teenagers of the era of internet.
Either you love slangs or hate them but the fact is that they are in trend.