Balloons to make you stress free
People not only enjoyed but also released their mental pressures. The event spread a wave of positivity among the people.

Balloons to make you stress free
A stress-free exercise was conducted in the wee hours of Sunday morning. The unique event called people to get rid of their stress by penning down their reason for stress and popping it out with hands or pin and feel relaxed. The initiative was taken by a non-governmental organization- MaStyle Care.
Arpit Gulati, a freelance photographer, who actively participated in the event said, “It was quite a happening experience. I have never seen such an event taking place in India so far. People, these days are so much occupied in life that they hardly get time to think of stress busting. I think this initiative by MaStyle Care will make people happy and stress-free. According to me, it is ‘us’ who create ‘stress’ in our mind. Otherwise, there is nothing by which one can be stressed in life. One should always try to stay happy and spread happiness.
Children holding a ‘Test Paper’ stress balloon
The event witnessed a gathering of thousand people participating and releasing their stress and penning down their feedback. Among them, there was a B.A Program student of Gargi College, Delhi University who wrote ‘Economics’ on her balloon before bursting it out. On being asked, she said, “I was from Science field but I chose this stream. Now, I am finding it very difficult to cope up with Economics and Mathematics at the same time. So, I busted out the Economics part (laughs)”.
Agam, working in a BPO and who also runs an NGO wrote ‘Fame’ on his balloon. He said, “Fame is something which keeps moving. I do not want it to go but just hold onto it.”
Happiness after bursting the stress balloon
So, people listed out certain things with which they were not only stressed but also those things which they did not want to lose. Few talked about their relationship problems and wrote name of their partners and busted it out. Children wrote ‘Test papers, Unit tests, Examinations and teachers who pressurize them’.
Sometimes, there are occasions where people do not even realize that they are stressed. But, on being asked to list out that one thing which stresses them the most, a married couple wrote ‘Everything’ and laughed after busting it out.
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Apart from participants, youth and couples, parents expressed that their children were more excited about the event. For just the sake of balloon, they woke up early morning and were quite enthusiastic about it.
A mother of two, Shallu highly appreciated the ‘Pop up Balloon’ event saying, “Events like these which are based on social causes should be encouraged and more people should be asked to participate in it. As you can see, people are getting delighted just by busting out a single balloon. Busting out balloons may not make you stress free entirely but it certainly opens your blockage of mind and gives you strength to fight with it.”
The most interesting of them were a group of businessmen working in the corporate sector, who mentioned ‘Boss’ on their balloons saying that, “We simply want to get rid of our boss.” They however, refused to pose and denied to mention their company. Still, they entertained the crowd by narrating amusing stories of their boss.
Latika Wadhwa, the co-founder of the organization interacted with One World News later on about the success of the event. She said, “The event saw a huge participation. People not only enjoyed but also released their mental pressures. This event spread a wave of positivity among the people. Through it, children also came out with their study-related issues which we often neglect, thinking that kids are never stressed.”
MaStyle Care is a non-profit organization which runs various campaigns for social causes in a better and a refined way.
Photo Courtesy : Avalokita Pandey, One World News
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