Astonishing Facts about Mental Delusions that you might not know

Here is the list of Bizarre Mental Delusions
What is mental delusion?
Mental Delusions are commonly known as mental disorder, and usually schizophrenic patients suffer mental delusions. This disorder was previously known as paranoid disorder. It is a type of serious mental illness known as “psychosis” in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. In this disorder patient perceive things that actually doesn’t exist.

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Here, are some most occurring types of delusions. Don’t ever take it lightly if you can relate to any type of mental delusion mentioned below, take immediate help of a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Always remember if you are delusional, you lose the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. Sufferers construct their own reality and lives in fantasy world. Although the term was first coined in 1977, symptoms of delusion have been recorded for over 150 years.
1. Capgras Delusion
Imagine a person who never shows any emotions. Emotional less person can be highly irritating, but remember that is not their mistake. In the heat of an argument it is normal to want to disown your parents or kids, but for the sufferer of Capgras delusions that feeling never goes away. It is caused when the “wire” that connects the visual section of the brain to the emotional section is damaged. And a result is that sufferer sees their loved ones but no emotional response is triggered.
2. Life as Computer Game
Second most common occurring delusion is when person start considering their life as a computer game. Over the course of two years, one man’s mind slowly broke and made him believe he was actually a character in a video game. The object of this game, unfortunately, was to steal cars, kill people and avoid the police. He even felt the game spoke to him through the headphones, so he began to play incessantly. He managed to steal various cars at gunpoint (moving from “weaker” cars to more “powerful” ones to score points) before being arrested and eventually sent to the psychiatric facility. In this kind of delusion person start associating his life with video games.
3. Cotard’s syndrome
This is similar to capgras delusions. We can say this much worst. In Capras syndrome is seen as a separation of visual processing from emotional responses, Cotard’s syndrome is the total loss of emotions. The sufferer feels that they are already dead. Yes, that’s true they start feeling that they are dead. Not only this, they may even claim smelling their flesh rotting or feeling maggots on their skin.
4. Derealisation
This is another delusion you should know about. As the name suggests, the symptom of derealization is the sudden feeling that everything feels unreal, unfamiliar and strange. This can affect hearing, taste, smell or sight and is best described as a dullness to perception.
5. Wendigo Psychosis
Another delusion comes in the scene is Wendigo Psychosis. In this type of delusion person starts behaving like an Evil. Wendigo psychosis is a delusion whereby the sufferer has a burning desire to eat human flesh. This affliction was first documented in aboriginal communities, where witch doctors were used to heal it. If that didn’t work, the sufferer was put to death. Today, there are questions about whether or not the syndrome actually exists but eyewitness accounts suggest that it does. In many societies it is associated with superstitions.

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6. Depersonalization
As the name suggests in this kind of delusion, person feels unable to control themselves. Sufferers of depersonalization feel like they “fall away from themselves”…meaning, they “see” themselves acting, but have no control over the situation. Life feels like a movie or a dream, and some people even chase this feeling through the use of illicit drugs.
7. Delusions Of Grandeur
In this type of delusion patients believe that they are a famous individual, or falsely believe they know somebody who is. As an example, a patient may feel they are Alexander the Great…or Bill Clinton…or Gandhi. Or they may feel they are best friends with Amitabh Bachchan or Mukesh Ambani.
8. Super Human Delusions
Have you ever come across a person who feels that he is a superhero, and he possess special abilities. If yes, then that person might be a victim of super human delusion. This delusion makes one feel that they have superhuman abilities. This is a particularly dangerous syndrome, which can lead to injury (or worse) as patients attempt to exercise their delusional powers.
9. Clinical Lycanthropy
Clinical lycanthropy is a psychotic delusion that makes the patient believe they can or have turned into a wolf. Yes, they feel they can turn into wolf. This term specifically applies to wolf-based delusions, and zoanthropy or therianthropy are applied for delusions based on other animals. Sufferers reportedly act like an animal, although no physical change is perceived by observers.
10. Erotomania
This is another kind common type of delusion that exist among patients. Erotomania sufferers believe that another person (who is usually a celebrity) is in love with them and told them secretly via a glance, special signal or telepathy. To return the sentiment, they start sending love letters and making phone calls. When these go unanswered, the sufferer grows angry and violent. Somewhere during this process, the authorities are called in to protect the object of affection. Remember SRK’s Fan?