Social News

Are you overweight?

Don’t look at the mirror too much as you stare at your stomach. Go for some exercise instead, and cut down on the fatty foods you eat.

Are you overweight?

Our current lifestyle and environment we are living in, the use of medication, timing of food intake, night light exposure and environmental pollution. All this is causing us to gain more weight than our parents did.

A research done in York University has shown our parents had the ability to eat as much and exercise less. They were still able to avoid obesity. It was observed with the same amount of food intake, we are heavier by 10 percent than people living in 1971. Also with the same physical activity level, people are more than five percent heavier compared to 1988.

Are you overweight?

Our body weight has been impacted more by our ever-changing lifestyles compared to our parent’s lifestyle and environment.

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