7 signs that you are working with a ‘Narcissist’!

If you find any of your co-worker, who is bit irritating or showoff then guys beware he may be a narcissist, you are even not aware of. The trick to dealing with an egocentric individual is to identify them for what they are, and not allow their behavior to affect you.
Narcissists exhibit the following traits. If you notice any of your coworkers acting in any these ways, stay away from them as best you can. Narcissist always focuses on three M that is My Me and Myself.
1.They appear likable at fist Narcissists are good at putting on a decent show for the public. They come off as friendly, gentle, and charismatic. However, this behavior is only a front. You will see their true personality come out during stressful situations when things
aren’t going so smoothly.
2. They talk a big game Narcissists will always talk up how good they are, and how much they have accomplished in life. They rarely give credit to the people who have helped them along the way.
3. They are entitled Narcissists think they are above everyone else for no other reason than they are who they are.
4. They hate criticism. It should be obvious by now that narcissists think they can do no wrong. So when someone criticizes their performance, they take it as an insult.
5. They always are ready with an excuse Along with playing the victim; narcissists always have an excuse when they screw up. If they made a typo on a report, it was probably because the keyboard got stuck or the spell check didn’t catch the mistake.
6. They take everything personally Narcissists take everything someone says as a personal attack. When their boss gives them criticism that’s supposed to be constructive, narcissists will (of course) have some excuse.
7. They leave a trail of destruction Narcissists don’t usually last too long at jobs. Since they feel entitled, and at the same time feel like everyone’s out to get them, they will cut and run from a job the minute they don’t see any chance of advancement, or when they get the feeling their boss hates them.