5 Important Rights Every Indian Woman should know

#Safetycomesfirst: Rules that every Indian woman should know
Unfortunately, India is one of the unsafe countries for women. The safety of women is the biggest concern for the nation. Even after many bringing various safety measures and running a number of campaigns of women empowerment, there seems to have no change in the condition of the country. From their way to school, college or office on their way to home at the end of the day, they face many poor comments. While these things are never going to end, a woman should know how to make herself feel safe.

Our country has many laws that protect the safety of women and can be used to get their rights and justice. Here are some important Indian laws that every woman should know to ensure her safety in the society.
1. Right to the virtual complaint: If a woman is unable to go to police station for registering an FIR, then she has the right to register it through an email or by posting a letter to the police station. Once emails and letter reach to the police station, they are forwarded to the Senior House Officer (SHO). After receiving the complaint, police go to the place of the woman or to the crime scene for the investigation. So, this is a first basic right of a woman.
2. Right to confidentiality: Women have complete right to keep their confidentiality in any case. Media does not have the right to reveal the identity of women in any situation. Women have the right to give their statement privately in front of the district magistrate. During the court proceedings, a lawyer can term the woman as a victim rather calling her by her name. You should know it, ladies!
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3.Right time free legal help: A rape victim has the right to take free legal help under Legal Services Authority Act 1987. It is a responsibility of a Senior House Officer (SHO) to inform Legal Services Authority about the case of the woman who has faced sexual assault. Legal Authority then arranges a lawyer for the victim. A woman has an access to this Right.
4.Right to delayed registration: If a woman, who has faced sexual assault, is not able to take legal actions right after the incident, then she has the right to register her complaint later. A police officer cannot deny registering her complaint but the woman would be needed to tell the reason for the delay. That’s it!
5.Right to zero FIR: Women can register their complaint according to their convenience in any police station. This is known as ZERO FIR. Under this law, no police officer can deny registering the complaint of the women citing that it is not their area. An SHO must write FIR for the woman. Once the ZERO FIR is registered, it can be transferred to the police station of related area.
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