10 Things Only an ‘Alpha Mother’ Can Teach!

Behind every Strong Successful Woman, there is a strong mother
Mother is another name of God! Mom, Momma, Mommy, Ma. No matter what you call your mother, you would not be here without her. It is not easy to survive in the world where crime rates are rapidly increasing against women. Only a mother can guide her children how to tackle all the unwanted things around them. Sometimes we really do take our mothers for granted. We do not realize how much we need them until we are away from them. Alpha Mothers teach their daughters some vital lessons.
Mothers have the capacity to handle any situation like a pro. She is the most giving person and would do anything for anyone. But people should always keep in mind that their kindness should not be taken for granted.
So, here are few things an Alpha Mother can teach:
1. Accept Failures: All through life, we are going to face trials. We will fail in some tests and when that happens we have to learn to just study a bit harder next time. Just like success failure too are a part of life and it’s better to accept it. Sometimes we do some really stupid things that can result in some bad consequences. Luckily though, when things do not go our way, we will always have our mom to lean on.
2. Learn to make your own beliefs: Whether it is from deciding that you believe in Christianity, Buddhism, or nothing at all, we can only count on ourselves to decide our faith and values. Yes, our moms installed in us what they were taught, but no matter what we decide is the right belief for us, moms will always have faith in their children. Alpha moms never force their children to follow some particular sets of rules. Instead of it, they encourage their children to do what they really want to do.
3. Nobody is perfect: As much as we crave perfection, we know it can never be achieved. Alpha mothers always teach their children to give 100 percent in whatever they do, and they never force their children to chase perfection. Even during a girl’s most awkward phase, moms will always say, “It is OK.” You are still beautiful. Sometimes, our moms have to yell at us in frustration saying, “You are not perfect, get that out of your head right now.” So to all those moms out there, thanks for bringing us down from the clouds sometimes. Alpha mother always teaches us to focus on our real self.
4. Set your standards high because it’s important: Alpha mothers are those who always remind you of your self-worth time to time. You are worth much more than what that boy says you are. You are worth more than what society says. You have the right to be picky — and moms always remind us of it. Besides, it is your life and you have to live it. Always remember that if people do not laugh at your dreams, your dreams are not big enough. The entire world can be united to lower down your self-respect but heads off to those strong moms who support us in every situation just to boost our self-worth
5. Beauty is not always outside, it is inside as well: Alpha mothers keep reminding us the importance of inside beauty. You cannot survive in the world with your facial beauty. The world will never pour love if you are not a good person. Sometimes this world is so infatuated with how people look that it ignores the person inside. And that is the most important part! Moms are never wrong about that.
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6. Getting a man in your life is not an ultimate destination: The most important lesson that an Alpha mommy teaches us is that relying on men should not your cup of tea. She will always teach you to live your personal space.

7. Put your Family first: Whether is big or small they are still your family. Our moms will always show us how to put family first. Thankfully, though, in life, there are rare occasions where a friend or two might practically become family. Be grateful for these people — family by blood and family by choice.
8. Be strong and hold your head up high: Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn is to be strong and to hold your head up. Sometimes, it becomes entirely impossible for women to be strong but Alpha moms will make you learn why it’s important to be strong. Do not be afraid to stick up for yourself because no one will be able to do it for you. Luckily, though, we inherit that from our mommies.
9. Women can do anything: If women can carry a baby in their stomachs for nine months there is nothing that cannot be done. Women can make every task possible. There have been women to lift cars off their kids. Women can have any job in the world. We can do anything a man can do.
10. Independence is something to be proud of: There will be times in life that all you want to do is go to dinner by yourself or go to the movies all alone. That is completely fine. There is nothing wrong with you. You can learn a lot about yourself doing things on your own. Go on walks, read a book, binge-watch a television series on Netflix, watch a movie that makes you cry like a baby. Just learn who you are and be proud of yourself.
Thanks Mom for making me an Alpha Woman!
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