Tasting the roads sans Smartphone – Bulgaria to Bhopal

Tasting the roads sans Smartphone – Bulgaria to Bhopal
How many times have you dreamed of travelling on foot sans your Smartphone? How many times have you actually done it?
Boris Kanev and Marta Samalea along with their pet cat have actually done this. They have travelled in the remotest parts of the world on foot and bikes without the one object we can’t do without even for an hour.
They started their journey from Bulgaria in October 2013 with the objective to reach India without taking a plane. After traversing for 511 days, they have reached India via Myanmar. Whats more interesting is that they did so without letting their family worry about their whereabouts and were also continuously blogging and making use of maps. The gadgets they carried with themselves, apart from an old Nokia phone, were a netbook, a DSLR camera, and an ebook reader. And this, they felt were enough.
Now, this is travel in the truest sense of the word. When you are looking more out of the window than at the screen, living the moment more than showing it off and you don’t need to play treasure hunt games because your life is treasure hunt in itself.
Way to go Kaney and Samalea !