Sea levels on earth are growing on a fast pace

Sea levels on Earth are growing much faster than they have grown in the past 2800 years and is accelerating due to global warming made by man, according to new studies.
An international team of scientists have said that two dozen places around the world will gently witness rising and falling seas for centuries and millennia. Until the 1880s and industrialization of the world, the fastest pink seas was about 1 to 1.5 inches (3-4 centimeters) a century or so slightly.
The link to the temperature is the basic science, the study authors said. The hot water expands. cold water contracts. The scientists said that in the former days, when there were specific temperatures at that time sea rose and fell together.
The study of Kopp and a separate published study by other projections for future sea level rise is based on various technical equipment. They came to the same general estimates, despite using different methods, said Anders Levermann.