Juhi Chawla talks about Mobile Radiation

Juhi Chawla talks about Mobile Radiation
“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything.”
– Albert Einstein
An interactive session on Mobile tower and cell phone radiation- its perception, threats and solutions was organized with Dr. Devraa Lee Davis and Juhi Chawla at the PHD House, New Delhi. The discussion was coordinated by Synergy Environics in association with the PHD Chamber of commerce & Industry.
Dr. Devra Lee Davis sharing insights about Radiation Managmnent
The session panel consisted of Dr. Devraa Lee Davis, Juhi Chawla, Alok B. Shriram, Kanika Shriram (Member of Young Leaders Business Forum), Pranav Poddar (Director of Synergy Environics), Saket Dalmia and Akshat Goenka who generated awareness about the adverse effects of radiation from cell phone and mobile towers.
Dr. Devraa Lee Davis an award-winning scientist and writer, who is recognized internationally for her work on environmental health, highlighted the disturbing cover –up that tobacco companies claim that tobacco is not harmful to health. Same way, her book, ‘Disconnect’ discusses how direct exposure to X-Rays are bad for health, as it changes the DNA of an individual. With this, she raised a question, “Since no conclusive data have been made regarding Mobile Radiation till date, so, do you want to wait for any substantial proof or save the next generation in advance?”
(L to R) Mr. Saket Dalmia, M … hriram, Juhi Chawla, Akshat Goenka
Dr Davis also pointed out to the fact that in India, Mobile Towers can be spotted on every third or fourth building, then the question arises as to “What are they doing which we are not? I am not saying that I am against technology. Instead, it is a greatest invention of the twentieth century but the whole discussion here is how to use it safely and with precautions.”
The session was demonstrated with suitable examples of patients affected by radiation. Keith Philips, a brain tumor survivor and Serina Scott conveyed messages about protecting oneself from radiation.
The session emphasized that the impact of any form of radiation depends on the nature of the waves and its-
• Frequency
• Amplitude (of how powerful is it)
• Pulse
• Wavelength
For example, on a four second phone call, the power is highest when we speak ‘Hello’. So, we need to keep the phone at a distance while talking or use an earpiece.
Certain facts and figures were shown by the Environmental Health Trust to prove how mobile radiations are more harmful than other electronic gadgets around us.
Juhi Chawla talking about radiation
• Ovens use 1000 watts of power and boil water in 1 minute.
• Microwave ovens, cell phones and cell phone antennae operate at 9-2.7GHz.
Dr. Davis said that children are more prone to these radiations than adults. Microwave radiation from cell phones in 8 years to 34 year old heads is much higher. (Fernadez, 2013) The speakers also pointed out that I-phone and every smart phone has a legal warning in its settings (Settings-General-About-Legal Warning) and we must follow that.
Cases are also reported where cell phones are kept directly near the reproductive organs. A study by Ashok Agarwal (MD, PhD of Cleveland Clinic, 2008) shows that heavier cell phone users have reduced sperm count. As mobile phone radiation causes testicular dysfunction, we may be creating a generation with dysfunction reproductive capabilities. Doctors warned that unusual breast cancers are taking place in those women who are keeping cell phones in their bra.
Mr. Pranav Poddar talking about radiation Managment
Juhi Chawla expressed as to how she came into this. She got concerned seeing innumerable mobile towers in front of her house and requested mobile authorities to shift them away from residential colonies. She read and researched about radiation and then came out in the public to spread awareness with the help of her neighbor, Munshi.
Juhi asked a simple question, “If in the case of drugs, a particular medicine is tested, experimented and then unleashed to the world, then why can’t the same happen to these mobile towers?” She listed out a few precautions that should be kept in mind while using cell phones. She said, “No matter how you were using till date, today is a new start. Use headset or keep your phone at a distance while talking. Schools should be wired and children should be kept away from smart phones.”
Concluding the session, Dr. Davis said, “Since it is difficult like Cancer to detect adverse effects of radiation, one should always take precautions and not keep the cell phones near pillow while sleeping. We should take care since day one and not wait for the day it is detected.”