Science News

India Inc LIGO project to benefit from spin-offs

The Rs 1,300 crore advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), will not only be a gravitational wave detector, but also split valuable for Indian industry technologies.

gravity force


The cabinet Union recently gave its approval for the LIGO project, the observatory will be built by the Research Institute of plasma (DPI) of Indian industry and they are invited to work on the project will be presented to the technology developed by the programs LIGO abroad. These technologies include lasers of high power ultra stable, ultra-optical polishing, and sophisticated welding steel and manufacturing techniques.

In addition to knowing these technologies, Indian companies will get the experience of building up a system in ultra high vacuum must be created on volumes and minimum lengths of the observatory with pumping speeds unprecedented. The project is expected to be completed in 2023. It may be mentioned that US-LIGO institutes are already providing the Indian project ultrasensitive Michelson interferometer with internal cavities FabryPerot -the main detector of gravitational waves.

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