Power of Thoughts

People on Reddit share 8 Hard Pills that everyone has to swallow while adulting

Adulting isn’t easy: With age, we all need to know to swallow these 8 hard pills

Adulting isn’t easy no matter how much we say, “badey hone mai maza aata hai”. As a child, we all want to just grow up. But once you start growing up, you realize how easy our life was as a kid.  From smiling at people when you really don’t want to, to making tough choices, adulting is hard.  With each passing year, we all need to learn tough lessons and swallow the hard pills that life offers. Here is a list of 8 hard pills that everyone has to swallow while growing up.

1. Not everyone will like you and that’s fine

As you grow up, you will realize that not everyone will like you. No matter what you do for them, they will never like you. We all want to be liked and loved but the hard truth is not everyone will like you. There is no one in this world who doesn’t have haters, even if they seem perfect. Not everyone will clap for your success but there are people who will be genuinely happy for you. In that case, you should only focus on your well-wishers.

2. You can’t have everything you want in life

It is one of the hardest pills to swallow but you need to.  You cannot get everything you want in life.  Be it finding true love to buying your dream house. Not all events will turn out the way you wanted them to. But you should not give up on dreaming big, but once you have worked your ass off, exhausted all options, and can’t get what you want, then take it as a sign that it is not meant for you.  Things that are meant for you will always find a way to you.

adult life

3. People change

Yes, people change. From being partners to complete strangers, situations and people change in life. And you have absolutely no control over it. All you can do is just accept things the way they are. Life is about moving on and you have to do it.

Read more: What to avoid during breastfeeding? 

4. You will face Rejection

Do not take it personally. Be it personal life or professional life. You will face rejections in life. Of course, it is not a good feeling but you have to accept this fact.

5. One cannot predict life. Things will happen at a certain time

Stuff just happens, no matter how prepared you are in life. Unexpected break-ups, deaths, injuries, change in job, anything can happen in the next couple of months, days, or even minutes. There are things that you will never be able to control.  So don’t stress about things you can’t control.

hard pills
Image source – Pixabay

6. Timing is everything

No matter how hard you try, timing is everything in life. Things will happen when the time is right. You cannot compare yourself with others. Some might get their dream job at 25 while others get it at 35. Some might get married at 25 and some might at 35, it is all about the timing.

7. Unrequited Love

He or she doesn’t love you.  A lot of people go through this feeling and it is okay to feel anxious. But one has to swallow the hard pill that you can’ wish someone to love you who doesn’t.

8. People will not treat you the way you treat them

You can’t tell people to treat you the way you treat them.  It is indeed one of the hardest pills to swallow.  When you treat someone with grace and compassion and they don’t, it hurts. But honestly, it is the hard truth.

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Parul Srivastava

She likes to express herself through her write-ups. She doesn’t believe in doing different things but she enjoy doing things differently.
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