Tumultuous Realm of Lens

Seizing unbelievable moments, with his eyes like a shutter and mind like a lens, Corey Rich has always tried to encapsulate what the naked eye usually overlooks. His love for adventures, creating stories and expressing everything with just a snick, has always left the beholders in amazement. One World News had an opportunity to converse with him and know about his life, beyond and within the lens.
Who is Corey Rich as a person and as a professional photographer?
At the core I am a person who loves to tell stories. My love for photography is a result of going out on rock climbing adventures and wanting to tell those weekend stories through photos. And the truth is that, nothing has changed till now since I have picked up the camera. I still love swopping stories whether they’re around the camp-fire or sharing them through motion projects or still photography projects. I believe, when I am outside, sweating and a part of an adventure, meeting interesting/inspiring people, astonishing sites brings out the best in me as an artist.
Did you always want to be a photographer?
Honestly speaking, I picked up the camera when I was 13 years old, to document my adventures as a rock climber. I never thought that this could be a career path. I made a business plan and just followed my heart and did what I was passionate about.
How supportive has your family been?
Photography and film making is deeply rooted in who I am. So everyone who knows me, takes me as the guy who is an adventure photographer and a story teller, I think that’s the only ‘Corey’ out there (giggle). I always joke that my only ability is to tell stories and to make pictures through emotions. I have had incredible support from my family. My wife is equally a part of my business, we travel a lot together and our 9 month old daughter also accompanies us. She must have traveled 50,000- 100,000 miles uptill now and would grow up traveling. We are giving her exposure to what we do.
Tell us something about your struggling period?
I am not sure if I have had a struggling period as I started at a very young age and I am fortunate that I grew naturally as a photographer. If there is any struggle, then that’s of not having a MBA degree, sometimes I am not sure how of to run a business. The best part about being a film maker and photographer is that you have to be a business person along with being creative and manage the company & the staff. But when I am very confused, I listen to my intuition and it has worked well so far. I believe if you push yourself hard you can make everything possible.
What all awards have you received?
I am not an award person at all. I am satisfied when I work hard and do something new, and also happy with the result of every project.
What has been your best moment in life?
Gosh! I feel every day is the most beautiful and best day of my life. But certain highlights are like having a daughter, marrying and meeting my wife, having a partner like her.
What has been your learning curve?
I have made a lot of mistakes in life but have always tried to fix them up too. Sometimes it is not possible but it is always better to accept that you aren’t perfect, and try to do a better job next time.
What do you like to shoot the most and why?
I love to be outside, rock climbing, mountain biking, scuba diving, skiing, kayaking etc. are places I love to work, but these are dangerous and challenging too. I always say that if I can tell compelling stories my job is done.
Yes, these places are very risky but I am not worried about what is going to happen. I just channelize my energy into one area and put my best foot forward.
How different to you is a ‘photograph’ and the ‘art of photography’?
A real photograph is a picture that moves people, illicit reactions from anyone who sees it, changes people, and is complex & sophisticated. Pictures and snapshots are very easy. You don’t have to be photographer to make a photograph. It’s not the device but the human/thought behind the device who/which is operating the camera.
How did you meet your wife?
When I met my wife Marina she swept me off my feet, she is the only model I ever dated. I never mixed my work with my personal life. It was a long courtship, she came into the office one day to fill out a casting form for one of our photo-shoots and I instantly knew that there was something magical about her. It took me 6 months to see her again and this time, I didn’t let her get away.
Now here we are 6 years later, happily married. She is a big part of my career; she is a hair & make-up artist, so we spend a lot of time on production. She is the primary care giver to my daughter, but we are still traveling together as a family.
How did you propose her for marriage?
(Chuckles) Actually, she proposed to me and I think that’s the best way to happen. She is a Brazilian and a lot of her personality has transferred into my daughter.
Tell us about something special that you have done for her and she has done for you?
The biggest thing we do is that we support each other. The career of photography and film making is not a 9-5 job; you don’t get to choose which 12 hours you want to work. It’s tiring but rewarding, not only from a financial point of view but also from the way you feel about your work. And when you are working that much, and your life and work are the same, it means that you have to embrace the truth and support one another. Be flexible in terms of how we do things. We know, whatever we do we are doing it for a good reason. When Marina needs time I give it to her and when I need help she supports me in every work. That’s called an ultimate relationship. We are encouraging each other’s creativity.
What would you like to convey to our readers?
I want people to be excited, to go out and live life to the fullest and that’s what my goal in life is too. When I am shooting outdoors, it’s to go outside and face adventures. When I am shooting profiles of people, products and so on, my goal is to shoot for inspiring and motivating people.
Picture Courtesy : Corey Rich
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