The Walking Barbie Doll

Women and beauty are two terms which can be used as a synonym for each other. Women are always conscious about beauty, and beauty; it is in women. Yes, of course men are also conscious but not much as women are. And what could be people’s reaction, if they see a woman who looks like a Barbie doll. Doesn’t it seem like a miracle? How could it be possible?
Valeria Lukyanova is a Ukrainian model cum educator who has made herself a real Barbie. She is a walking Barbie doll. She has got many names; some call her ‘Human Barbie’ and some ‘A real life Barbie doll.’ She first came to news in a world-wide beauty contest ‘Miss Diamond crown of the world’ in the year 2007 and also won the contest. But it was not the end as she became the subject of discussion.
Many people have doubt that she’s had plastic surgery to attain her looks but on this, Valeria claims that she has not had any and only uses make up and contact lenses to attain her somewhat Japanese Anime look.
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“Many people say bad things about people who want to perfect themselves,” she tells in an interview. “It’s hard work, but they dismiss it as something done by surgeons or computer artists. Some people even spread rumors about me and retouch my pictures to hurt me. But I don’t take them seriously. I’m even flattered! It’s what success is like. I’m happy I seem unreal to them, it means I’m doing a good job.” She adds.
There are also many controversies about her waistline size which is only 18 inches. When asked about ‘what does she do to be in shape?’ she answered “I do a serious workout in the gym three times a week and I run a lot. It is important not to eat for two hours after your work out-just drink liquids. I prefer liquid foods. But don’t drink water with your food if you want to have a slim body. The biggest secret is the amounts of food I have-they are very small.”
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Valeria is a strict vegetarian and lives only on a liquid diet.
On 28th February, 2014 she revealed that she will be on Breatharianism and will not have any intake of food and water. She will be on a special diet in an attempt to live only on air and light.
Valeria is getting so much response on social media, currently she has about 997k likes on Facebook and 10,030 followers on twitter.
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