Rising From Nowhere To Somewhere

Coming from a small town called Gulbarga (a small city of Karnataka), Jasveer singh, who made his debut as National singer through his album ‘Jawaani express’, says it is his dream coming true to be launched by the well-known Pop singer Daler Mehndi. Jasveer Singh, who is all set to witness success and popularity, is a down to earth person with good humor and someone who is easy to talk with. On Jasveer Singh, Daler mehndi said “The thing that is unique about him is his innocence and hard-work, though it’s matter of time whether he stays the same or changes.”
In a candid talk, Jasveer Singh tells One World News that how he always wanted to be a singer. “I used to compose songs since I was in school, later I also tried poetry. My family at first was not positive for my passion, so for 5 long years I worked in my family business. But later, I proved my family that I can do wonders and make a career in music industry.”
It was more than 10 years back, when Jasveer Singh met Daler Mehndi, who came to Gulbarga for his concert. He remembers how he went up to Daler Mehndi and asked to give him a chance to sing. “Conversation with Dalerji was a turning point for me. He patiently heard me singing and guided me that I should rehearse well and try again after few years. Since then I was focused and took training under Sheikh Abdullah Qazi, made myself more professional and came back to him. And that’s when he felt I am ready for national platform. So journey to this stage was not a piece of cake for me.” he continues.
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Belonging from a place, where at times of freedom it was impossible for Sikh to survive, Jasveer Singh kept his religion intact. He released an album in Gulbarga that gained much popularity in the city and turned Jasveer Singh into, no less than, a pop-star. But his dream was to be a national singer, to be known world-wide. He also adds that ‘Jawani Express’ is special because it has songs composed and sung by him. “The songs are sober and soft. Earlier I used to compose funky songs but my family never liked it, so I tried to compose songs which can be heard with family too.” says Jasveer Singh.
Jasveer Singh also believes that it would have been impossible for him to release his album without Daler Mehndi’s support. He agrees that contacts with popular or influential people are somewhere very important to become someone in life.
Ending conversation with One World News, Jasveer Singh hopes that people appreciate his efforts and hard-work, and most importantly his voice. And even One World News wishes him all the very best for his debut album.
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