Lou Majaw, The Road Ahead

Lou Majaw, The Road Ahead.
Lou Majaw celebrated 50 years in music. He is also widely recognized for his 43 years of homespun celebration of Bob Dylan’s music on 24th May of every year. This year Lou Majaw’s NGO, Mawjam Society in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture Government of Meghalaya organized a two day music show in view of Lou Majaw’s 50 years in the field of music. The event, ‘The Road Ahead’, was held at U Soso Tham Auditorium, in Shillong on May 23 and 24.
Lou Majaw said this was not just the usual tribute to Bob Dylan, “This year is a show to inspire and encourage people of all age groups to realize their dreams and to achieve what you aspire for; you have to pursue it whole heartedly with your soul and spirit,”
The Road Ahead, felt like a musical biography of Lou Majaw greatest hits. His influences from his humble roots to the church town sounds of hope in the early days in Shillong. To his early days in Calcutta performing and now influencing various genre of musicians from all over the North East and in India.
On stage, for the last two days saw tears and words from country, gospel and rock from other musicians and the audiences contributing. The Road Ahead, showcased the homage in the rhythm of Lou Majaw influencing his audience just like he heard in awe while singing the troubadour’s classics.
Your voice is similar to Bob Dylan. It is voice of a movement. At times I felt like I was in church listening to a gospel song. How true are those influences?
Yes, it is where those soulful messages left a big impression in my life, based on hope. It is my experience later in Calcutta where I was exposed to all different genre in music that I have learnt to try and embrace together, to this date I am still learning as a human being.
Over the years your career as an independent musician is incredible you have been able to provide a hit from one generation to another?
I believe I have been blessed all these years, I have put my faith in him; through perseverance and meeting other people and musicians, who have helped me to develop an open ear to life. It’s also passion. Without both, faith and passion I would not be able to play the way I do.
Your new album is also the same name Road Ahead can you tell us a bit about it.
It’s poetic piercing lyrics and music reflects the change Meghalaya is going through. How those lights are growing and realizing yes… I want to be part of that change. The Road Ahead is a showcase of not just musicians, but the diversity I have learnt in my music; how my early influences of trial and error has helped me to grow.