Journey of Seema Pandey in Chooda- Ek Pratha

Journey of Seema Pandey in Chooda- Ek Pratha
Seema Pandey, a well-known actress who has created a niche for herself by performing challenging roles would be seen again playing the role of a mother in her upcoming movie- Chooda Ek Pratha. Where the movie talks about a custom which is beyond imagination, the role of the mother is also as challenging and as unbelievable, why? Well, in a conversation with Seema Pandey, One World News had an opportunity to dive into the depth of her character.
You are playing the character of Chanda’s mother, tell us something about your character and experience.
In the beginning when I got to know about this, I was shocked and it was hard to believe that it happens for real! When I was given this role, I knew I would have to lock-up the real Seema Pandey, for if I would have kept myself in that place, I wouldn’t have been able to do justice to the character.
So, when I thought of myself as Chanda’s mother absorbing things was not difficult because we are trying to show what exactly happens in such prathas and the state of people involved in it. We, who live in big cities can judge things on the parameter of good and bad as we experience both sides of it but for them it is something that has become a routine. Like we dump unwanted clothes, the parents switch their daughters home if they feel she isn’t happening.
Being a parent taking such a decision is easy but it is very difficult for a woman who undergoes this process. For once, she would be fine with it but when it becomes a routine she becomes a machine. She loses her strength to take a stand on anything and being the kind of person I am, it was very difficult to play such a character who is extremely submissive. Even now when we watch the movie, we all get emotional and shocked that it is a reality. When I come out of the character, it gets really hard to digest all this.
How challenging was this role for you?
People do approach me for challenging roles but this role was touchy and this is the first time I am playing as a mother and I am thankful to Ravindraji and Pravinji for giving me this opportunity.
Did you meet anyone who have undergone this Pratha?
We have shot the movie in the area where this Pratha is followed but I personally didn’t meet anyone who has experienced this custom. However, I feel it would not have been of any use as well because as I said before it has become the part of their life. They don’t realize the difference between good and bad because they’ve been living with it since ages.
However, we are hoping that our movie shows them the reality about the life they are living and teaches them to see and notice the difference between right and wrong. They have to realize that they are the one who have to decide for their life and also for the future generations.
Share with us some shots which were very difficult or emotional for you?
For me the most emotional moment was when the daughter gets married for the fourth time. Is a woman so weak that she cannot take any decision on her own? Is she so helpless that she can’t even chose if she wants to give birth to a girl or a boy? Why the male dominant society is so strong that a woman is not even treated as a human being? All these are unanswerable questions but disturbing as well.
Another moment which was very difficult for me to enact and understand is when I tell my daughter to leave behind her kids because she is moving on to another family, I mean how a mother can be so casual about something like this!
What do you think is the reason behind such customs?
I think the reason is Poverty, the place where we were shooting the only medium to earn money was farming and we all know the status of farmers in our country. They have no income source and when there is no source of earning then how would one survive? This is why roots of such customs grows stronger.
There is a set of audience who cannot afford to watch a movie so what message you would like to give to them?
I would give message to our movie team to make this movie travel to even smaller villages and showcase it in big gatherings and festivals as we don’t only want to earn money through this movie but we also want to spread awareness about the issue. The movie should be free and accessible for villagers and it would help in changing the mindset of people.
After acting and watching the movie, what is it that you would want to do for women empowerment?
I am known for being a feminist in this Industry. I always stand for my rights and fight against wrong. I would like to associate with NGO’s which work towards women empowerment, in fact also men because I feel even they face assaults in their life. I want a youthful and clean India and would like to work towards it.
Picture Credits: Neel Kamal Pandey, OneWorldNews