Dream Big, Be Big

Coming from a state where hairstyling is not a career option, Ambika Pillai chose to become a hair stylist as she was passionate about it from her childhood. So she decided to pursue it when she moved to Delhi close to 30 years ago.
She believes education is most important in life, “I believe Knowledge is Potential Power. But it becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end. So empowered with this knowledge a woman can achieve whatever she wants to in life provided she unleashes it in the right direction.”
Her journey, in her words, has been full of ups and downs, but for her the mantra to reach on top has always been persistence, hard work and determination, since she ever started working. “There is no substitute to hard work. The sooner you realize this and work towards your goal the faster you reach your destination.” says Ambika Pillai.
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When asked about her life’s turning point, she says “Many a turning points happened over the first few years in the industry but my first BIG turning point happened when Hemant Trivedi the designer cum choreographer took me on to do make-up and hair for the then miss India world Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, for the ‘Sheetal’ ad film shot by Karan Kapoor. I later went on to win the best make-up and hair stylist’s national award at the IAAFA awards 1995. There’s been no looking back since. Well, along the way I’ve had my share of fun and memorable incidents… doing shows all over the world, In Paris, London, New York, Cairo, Singapore, the list is long and fulfilling. Doing the bridal make up for the Saudi Arabian princess Sarah was a milestone, meeting the supremo Italian designer Valentino in Rome was for me the ultimate. Recently conceptualizing the look for the entire cast for the musical Zangoora- the gypsy prince and Jhumroo, the musical was an incredible experience. Changing the look for the staff and cabin crew of indigo made me realize the sky is the limit.”
Ambika further says, “Another achievement last year was when L’Oreal Paris flew 10 hair dressers from all over the world to create a bridal book and from India I was chosen. The two looks I created were stunningly Indian with Kama sutra as the theme. These I hold close to my heart till the next look takes my breath away.”
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She started her career as hairstylist but eventually she also started make-up and now a master at it, “I started out as a Hairstylist and at that time I found that very few people could do good makeup and was getting frustrated about most of my clients not being able to get great makeup to compliment the styles I would give them. This led me to experiment with makeup and I found with enough persistence and a good eye for fashion and beauty I was able to give my clients what they wanted. I am a self-taught makeup artist and proud of It.” adds Ambika Pillai.

Right now, she has no educational institution for make-up and hairstyling, but yes it is on her to-do list. Also other than just being a make-up and hairstylist, she is also actively involved in social work with an NGO called Can-Kids. This NGO provides help for cancer stricken kids. “We raise funds for them on a regular basis to support the NGO as a whole or by accumulating funds for cancer stricken children. We do through our corpus that’s created for this and also by raising funds by getting our employees to run the half marathon that is conducted on a yearly basis in New Delhi.” says Ambika Pillai.
For outer world, Ambika Pillai is a well-known name, a brand whose products are fashion statement and so on, but when One World News asked Ambika to describe herself, she said “I am a lady who is simple, down to earth, Loves to do simple things, likes to read, watch movies etc.” She also adds that for her make-up is just enhancing beauty but not a mask to reality.
Ending her conversation with us, Ambika Pillai gives out a message to One World News readers “Continue to Dream big and work hard to achieve your dreams. Do not let anything hold you back. Go for it!”
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