Myth vs Facts about Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Does it encourage children to have sex?

Here are a few myths that we would like to break for you about the Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Comprehensive sex education (CSE) is a curriculum that aims to give people, the knowledge and basics to the instructional methods involved in sexual conduct. It is the part of the curriculum which equips students with the skills, values, knowledge and the aptitude for making healthy choices during any sexual conducts and also give them the awareness about the misconducts and risks involved, including pregnancy and transmission of STDs.
Yet, here are a few myths associated with the concept of CSE. Let’s pick each of them and see the facts above myths.
MYTH 1: CSE encourages young people to have sex.
FACT: Knowing about the whole process of sex and how the human reproductive system functions, researches show that the CSE can lead to delayed sexual experiences among young adults. The building up of knowledge makes them aware of with whom to have sex with, and of how to have the same. It makes them aware of why and how to use contraceptive methods, what are pregnancy prevention measures and so on. Evidence suggests that it makes young people be more responsible and mature during sexual conducts.
MYTH 2: CSE goes against our culture or religion.
FACT: The idea of sexuality is a taboo in various cultures and religions of the world. But the process of sexual conduct and reproduction is the same for every human being. Hence, CSE should be independent of religion and cultures. Every country, every individual from any place and space should be allowed to have access to CSE for educated and safer sexual conduct.
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FACT: Well, this isn’t a myth but something as not absolutely true. Where parents and family can really help the child in giving the required sexual education, it is not very possible that they can take the responsibility of delivering the Comprehensive sexuality education to their child. CSE is a curriculum and if taught systematically, it is a step by step guideline which is generally designed by the education boards. Parent’s support in the equipping their child with the CSE is essential but can’t replace the role of educational bodies in it.
MYTH 4: CSE should not be taught to young children
FACT: As mentioned earlier, CSE is a process. It is designed in a way that it looks after the needs of people considering the age and their curriculum. from children as young as in preschool to grade 2, they are taught about the body parts and the family structure, in gade 3 to 5, they are taught about the STDs and changes in the body and in secondary levels, they are taught about the concepts of the reproductive system, pregnancy and the prevention measures in a more elaborate manner.
MYTH 5: CSE imposes western cultures
FACT: CSE is a curriculum designed to know about oneself and the process that a person develops within. It is not associated with any culture, and hence, there is no question of whether it is imposing any such culture or not.
MYTH 6: CSE normalizes teen sex
FACT: CSE is a guide who young people to know about the process of what happens when they undergo sexual and reproductive changes. It nowhere suggests which age is the right age for the same but it gives the education to young people to decide with is right for them. Their sexual interest is natural. CSE equips them to decide for themselves if they need to entertain their interest or not by understanding their own body.
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