Marvelous things to experience in India for free

India is a large, diverse and varied land. One of the few things that unite all of us is our quest for free and the least expensive things. No matter how up your status is, freebies and discounts always lure you.
So, here are some collective information –
1. Read rare books at the National Library of India.
The National Library, Kolkata has the largest library in India. Reading facilities are absolutely free here.
2. Go at the top of Jama Masjid Minarets to have the landscape of the city
National Library of India
Watching from the top actually feels like you can see the entire city.
3. Visit the sanitary museum in India
Though the idea of visiting a sanitary museum might sound a little weird but trust me it is one of the unique experiences you will ever have.
4. Wuhuu! Watching films for free
If you want to enjoy a good film for free then film festivals are your place.
These are just few places out of the whole lot