How safe is ‘Rail Neer’ for drinking?

Generally peo0ple prefer to travel from trains and we quite often drink rail neer or rail water but have you ever wonder how safe it is?
Now purity and quality of railway water has come under the supervision of the Supreme Court , which has put onus on the railways to establish its safety. Railways have made it compulsory that only Rail Neer will be sold in trains and railway stations.
Rail Neer
While many questions has been raised over the purity of the packaged water , Railways has suffered another setback last week, when the court allowed the Indian Railway Caterers Association to sell bottled water other than rail neer in Mumbai division.
This order was given by the bench of Justice Ranjan Gogoi and PC Pant effectively stays two circulars issued by Indian Railways in 2015 directing contractors to sell only rail neer.
While on the other hand, caterers association had moved to Supreme Court against the circulars and ask for liberty for selling other water packages also.