Growing crime rates in the Capital

A recent article in the paper read that the crime rate in the Capital has been increasing every year. The article said that “a crime is reported every three minutes in the Capital”.
This becomes a major cause of worry for all residents here as they are constantly going to be worried about their safety.
Theft and women safety are two of the major problems that the country is facing currently. The question of women safety has been in the news for long enough. Be it rape, molestation, eve teasing – women have the worst of it all. In such a situation, who is to blame? The government, the people or the police?
Crime Rate
The blame game has been going on long enough to understand that no one is really to be blamed. In the end, it all boils down to one thing- mentality.
Till the time women are viewed as sexual objects, the crime against them will not stop. The day a woman is viewed as someone equal, who has her own rights, the crimes will stop happening. Though something like this will take years to happen, one can only hope for the best.