Poems from ‘Milk and Honey’

Milk and Honey is a book by Rupi Kaur. Rupi is a writer and artist who is based in Toronto.
Her book ‘Milk and Honey’ is a short read which has various poems that are based on love, heartache, sadness, grief, abuse, feminity, loss, trauma and much more. Here are a few poems that are will move you beyond words-
· “Our backs tell stories no book has spine to carry
– women of colour”
· “I am undoing you from my skin”
· “You must enter a relationship with yourself before anyone else”
· “You pinned my legs to the ground with your feet and demanded I stand up”
· “The idea that we are so capable of love but still choose to be toxic”
· “trying to convince myself
I am allowed
to take up space
is like writing
with my left hand
when i was born
to use my right
– the idea of shrinking is hereditary”