Have you ever been a devoted follower of any star? Have you ever fallen in love with someone you cannot stop dreaming about? Do you drool over the object of your “affection”? Do you feel pangs of jealousy when you see them with someone else? Do you often feel depressed when you see them sad or going through something bad? If you answered all these with a “YES”, then I welcome you to the #fangirl club! It is not that amazing, but, you will love it.
There are times in life that you are just so fascinated by that ‘one’ person you see on a show, movie, read about, an artist whose music you like or any other celebrity, that you cannot think about anything else. Yes, there will be many who will laugh on you and say that fangirling is not actually “a thing”, but, you have to ignore that and carry on you devotion to that person. You see them on news, you read about them in the papers and you check their tweets 24*7. And yet, you cannot have enough. You wait there in the shadows of your undying love that someday, they’ll take notice of you. You are so crazy and passionate about them that you can’t let go of them. You are a true fangirl.
And when you hear about them getting back with their ex or getting married, or being injured or going through something terrible, then a box of tissues and ice cream become your best friend.
Almost all girls have gone through this phase of “Fangirling” or are currently going through it. Anyone, who says any different, is just trying to hide their true emotions. As a part of growing up, it this chapter has been an important part of your life and it actually adds colour to your mundane life. So, what if people call you all sorts of crazy names? You are a person who has full right to do whatever you want and get the “Feels”. I say, go enjoy your fangirling phase till it lasts, and if you haven’t had one, then it’s time to dig up some colour in your life.