5 work from home tips for all the office goers

Planning on working from home? This handy guide will help you to maximize your productivity.
With the World Health Organization elevating the Coronavirus outbreak from an epidemic to a pandemic every sector is closing down offices. With so many countries widely affected, working from your very own cubicles is no longer a good option. However, working from home sometimes might leave you in disappointment because while you are just about to start on your new project, Netflix dropped another season of your favourite series. Here we are sharing top work from home tips for you to maximize your productivity.
To make this transition go smoothly we have got you 5 work from home tips for all the office goers.
1. Build a permanent Work-space
The first step in your “work from home” journey is to designate an area of your home solely for getting work done. Make sure your workplace is quiet and not distracting so that you can focus on your work more efficiently.
2. Know how to deal with distractions
Anyone working from home can easily get distracted. Try to prioritize your work above any other things during your scheduled office working hours. Since its Coronavirus its better to be in quarantine and concentrate on your work.
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3. Develop a morning routine
Working from home doesn’t mean you are allowed to skip your morning routine altogether. While doing work from home, get up early, take a shower, make your coffee and breakfast, just like you have to leave the house.
4. Take short breaks
Do not sit for long hours glued at your work. Although taking breaks might seem counter productive, while research has shown taking short breaks can actually increase productivity and creativity levels. It is very important to have a work-life balance.
5. Dress formally
Yes, even while working from home you need to dress properly. “Dress for success.” Isn’t just a corporate catchphrase but it really matters when you work from home. While being dressed properly you can handle any kind of video calls.
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