What is Urinary Tract Infection: Everything that you need to know

How to deal with UTI?
In today’s changing environment, people have to deal with different types of infections. A well-known infection among these infections is urine infection. It is also called UTI (urinary tract infection). A UTI urinary tract infection can occur in any part of your urinary system, such as the kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra. Mostly it affects the lower limbs – bladder and urethra. UTI is more common in women than in men.
There are generally two types of UTI:
1. Bladder infection: Bladder infection is usually caused by bacteria called E.coli. These bacteria are found in the intestines and stools. Women are more prone to it because of their different physical appearance. According to the symptoms of this infection, you may feel that there is a need to urinate, but when you urinate the amount is very less as well as burning and pain is felt when urinating. Sometimes the patient may also complain of fever. This type of infection is commonly called (lower Urinary tract infection) or (cystitis) and can be cured with medicines.
2. Kidney infection (acute pyelonephritis): This Urinary tract infection is the form in which the infection spreads to the kidneys. It is also said to be the most severe form of UTI. This infection can also be fatal if it is not treated properly on time. This type of infection is also called upper UTI. It can take serious form if left untreated. It is treated through injection.
What are the main symptoms of Urine Infection (UTI)
1. burning during urination
2. blood in the urine
3. The strong smell of urine
4. Pelvic pain in women
5. fever
6. nausea
7. Voting
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Causes of urinary tract infection (UTI):
The most important cause of Urinary tract infection is the urethra near the anus, where intestinal bacteria (E. coli) sometimes enter the urethra from your anus. After this, this bacteria travels through the urethra to the bladder and then to the kidneys. Women have a shorter urethra (4 cm) than men (20 cm), so bacteria reach the bladder more easily. Therefore, UTI is more common in women than in men.
Bacteria can also enter your urethra or bladder through unprotected sex. Some women are more likely to have UTIs because of their genetics. Women and men with diabetes are more prone to UTIs, as their immune systems are weakened and unable to fight bacteria. An enlarged prostate in men can block urination in the gland or bladder, increasing the risk of infection. Apart from these, other factors such as hormone changes, kidney stones, a stroke, or spinal cord injury can also increase the risk of getting a UTI.
Are women at higher risk of UTIs?
Women can face many diseases due to UTI. Women’s urethra is also smaller than men’s, so the chances of bacteria entering it increased. Women should urinate immediately after sexual intercourse as this will remove all the bacteria from their bodies. If a woman is passing through spermicide, then her chances of getting infected with this infection also increased.
How to prevent Urinary tract infection?
To avoid this, drink more and more water throughout the day. Try not to hold your urine for too long. If you notice any discomfort in your urinary system, contact your doctor immediately. Taking vitamin C in more quantities increases the acidity of urine, which is helpful in eliminating bacteria.
Drink cranberry juice, cranberry juice prevents bacteria from growing in the urinary tract, thereby reducing the infection. Apart from this, you can easily find tablets containing cranberry extract. Take care of your personal hygiene such as bathing daily, wearing loose inner clothes and changing them daily, cleaning the urethra properly when going to the bathroom. Must pass urine after intercourse.
What is the treatment of UTI?
Urinary tract infection can be treated. For this, contact your doctor and choose one of the procedures mentioned by the doctor. UTI can be treated with antibiotics or home remedies.
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