
What is Detoxification? A Guide for beginners 

Simple tips and tricks to detox & why it is important?


Detoxification or detoxication is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver. So, basically, when we are talking about Detox/Detoxication, we are talking about eating a diet that supports and improves the functioning of our liver. The liver is an organ responsible for many important functions in our body such as detoxification of various metabolites, synthesizes proteins, and produces biochemicals necessary for digestion.



Why is detoxication important?

In simple words, Detox is a process through which your body gets rid of waste. If waste builds up, we get sick. The key is in, figuring out how to enhance our body’s capacity to detoxify and get rid of the waste while minimizing our exposure to toxins. To simply put,  it’s important to prevent the building up of waste in our bodies.


Read more: Balanced Health Hormones Diet Plan


Detoxification is not about weight loss alone. It’s mainly about helping and supporting your body to get rid of all the waste through proper dietary choices. It is beneficial for one and all.

Some Tips for Detoxification

It becomes extremely important to detox the body especially after the festive season, as festive the season calls for a lot of unhealthy eating. There is a lot of fried food, Sweets and foods high in Trans Fat are consumed during the festivities. Detoxification is an excellent way to recover your body from the ill effects of such eating at the right time.



Following are some tips, that can be followed while being on a detox diet-

1) Start your day with a glass full of detox water. The ones that are naturally healing to one’s health issues are the best ones, to begin with. For example, a glass of lemon detox water, cinnamon water, ginger water etc.

2) Resort to Clean and Simple Eating. Eating foods that are simple and not complex. Foods that are not immensely flavoured or seasoned. Dishes cooked with the least number of ingredients are the best ones to go for.

3) Avoid junk food and Packaged food completely. Packaged drinks, long shelf life food products, etc.

4) Drink enough water throughout the day. Keep yourself hydrated and nourished.

5) Go for freshly squeezed vegetable juices over fruit juices.


6) Eat small and frequent meals. This helps in the metabolism working faster, letting the body get rid of many toxins in the process.

7) Eat foods that are good for the functioning of our liver. Such as citrus fruits, berries, Beetroot juice, cruciferous vegetables.

8) Avoid alcohol completely. Also, caffeine should be restricted. Not more than a cup a day.

9) Work out. Follow a regular workout regime. Working out and exercising doesn’t only help in removal of the toxins but also releases certain hormones in the body that promote a healthy body.



10) Stay happy. Eat the right food, exercise the right way, read the right books, hang around with right people, and invest your time on your self as well.


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Preety Tyagi

Preety Tyagi, a holistic health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York and founder of My22bmi, a digital platform for diet and nutrition planning.
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