
Get Ready for Weekend food plan: Jackfruit festival and choux ice cream sandwiches

Delhi honors jackfruits, Mumbai celebrates an East Indian summer meal, and Bengaluru raises a toast to sandos for this weekend.

Weekend food plan: Jackfruit festival and choux ice cream sandwiches

Delhi honors jackfruits, Mumbai celebrates an East Indian summer meal, and Bengaluru raises a toast to sandos . Try some exotic cuisine this weekend  from different regions. Here are some delicious delicacies you can choose from-

Read more – Try Juicy Goodness Of Summer Fruits With These 5 Cooler Recipes

Choux Down, Sapa X Ulo, Bengaluru

The Mysuru-based Sapa bakery is in the city as part of an exclusive partnership with Ulo, a craft ice cream company. Four ice creams will be served at the pop-up on Sunday, encased in beautiful choux buns. Some of the creative and delicious options are chocolate ice cream with salt sauce and chilli sumac, tonka ice cream with pista praline, cereal ice cream with buckwheat crunch and berry sauce, and mango sherbet with elderflower gel and feuilletine, a paper-thin crisp confection from France.

Jackfruit festival, Quarter Plate By Chef Kunal Kapur, Delhi

Read more – For Mango Lovers! Try 6 Delicious Ways To Include Mangoes In Your Regular Summer Diet!

Khotachi Wadi Summer Feast, Mumbai

Chor Bizarre pop-up, JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu

Summer-ready food and cocktails, CHARD, Delhi

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