Use clove to get rid of pimples effectively

Most natural remedy for acnes, use clove to get rid of pimples
Today most people are suffering from skin problems. The most dreadful of all is pimples. One should use clove to get rid of pimples.
You might try number of chemical and expensive skin products but none of them could even hold a candle to the ever-lasting effects of the natural remedies.
Clove is an effective Ayurvedic remedy for acne and pimples. Everyone might not want to try it due to its burning effect but its benefits can’t be overlooked. Clove has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is an ideal remedy for acne. Lots of anti-acne products contain Clove Oil that is why it burns when it gets into your eyes.
There are many ways in which clove could be used to treat acnes and few of the anti-acne recipe which could be easily made at home using simple ingredients are as follows:
1. Just mix one tsp Clove Powder with Honey and apply on acne. Rinse off once it dries. Do this twice a day until it disappears.
2. Add peeled apple paste to the green tea. Add a drop of clove oil to the mixture along with little honey. Apply the mask on face for 15-20 minutes avoiding any contact with eyes.
3. Mix 2-3 drops of clove oil with one tsp. virgin coconut oil or Grapeseed or Jojoba Oil and apply before going to bed. Doing this everyday in not only prevents acne but also fades acne scars.
It is recommended that after applying the face mask and it dries, sprinkle some water and scrub your face in a circular motion. After scrubbing for 2 minutes clean the face with lukewarm water.
Then wipe the face gently with a cotton towel and apply moisturizer. Apply the suitable pack once in a week and you will find pimples, acnes and black heads vanishing on your face.
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