
Try these 5 summer-friendly foods to beat the heat and nourish the body!

When the heat wave starts and the temperature touches well above 40 degrees to 45 degrees in different regions of the country, the best way to cool down yourself or the whole family is to prepare salads and many other cool cuisines.

Heatwave foods: 5 summer-friendly foods to beat the heat and nourish the body

Heatwave alert! Extreme heat can cause dehydration and skin problems. Rather than having any artificial products consumed, our bodies need natural products including a well-balanced diet. The supply of various fruits, vegetables, and herbs such as watermelons and other hydrating foods can keep the body stable in its own temperature control. Water consumption plays a pivotal role in maintaining hydration levels thus, in addition to the water you should also eat certain food that helps fight the heat. The foods do not only quench thirst but are also helpful in keeping internal body temperature balanced and satisfying nutrient needs. In search of summer- appropriate heatwave foods to cool off, consider the following:

Citrus Fruits

We can ensure that our skin gets its necessary vitamin C, which is crucial for collagen production and health. Besides that, we could also quench our thirst and cheer ourselves up. A glass of fresh orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit juice will be the obvious choice.Besides the water content high levels of electrolytes, citrus fruits are excellent among all those causes which are associated with dehydration. Eat them as you like, they fit into fresh juices salads too; marinate your food with them to add that extra zest of flavors. More acidic fruits, which include oranges and lemon, can be problematic for people who have sensitive teeth or stomach issues, so you should be careful with them.

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Coconut Water

Besides electronics sports drinks, there is another drink which is the favorite of many who are looking for the best drink to remain hydrated while going under the summer heat, this drink is coconut water which has electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium and therefore it is an ideal beverage. Contrary to sugary sports drinks, the coconut water is naturally calorie-filled, and is only whole-food made. It also, in the very same way, provides an alternative vitamin C and antioxidants, which support immunity and protect against oxidative stress. Have a sip from the coconut itself or rather take a shortcut by purchasing it as a packaged product.


Cucumbers make the list of common summer starters; and they are water-packed with 95% of water. They have less calories and are very eminent sources of fiber which is very good for keeping the weight down and digestion improved.Cucumbers are not only good sources of vitamin A and C; they also contain other essential nutritional components such as the unsung vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium that support your overall health. Add fresh cucumber slices to your water for a nice change of taste or create salads, sandwiches, or gazpachos with your cucumbers for the sense of being cool.


This sweet natural source of water contains 92% water and is the ideal summer fruit to stay hydrated. Besides satiating your thirst it also supplies potentially essential nutrients such as potassium, which in turn helps keep your electrolyte rates in check. On the other hand, watermelon has high levels of natural antioxidants like lycopene that may offer protection against skin damage that causes sunburn. It may be savored alone, blended into smoothies or salad put into a fruit bowl with tasty sliced fruits to be a sporty mix of healthy snacks.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, which one generally do not associate with the taste of summer, may however work simply wonders in the midst of warm summer days. Leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale as well as Swiss chard are full of water and nutrients including vitamins A and C that help in maintenance of healthy skin and of the immune system. Another advantage is their adaptability. They can be consumed in salads, wraps, smoothie bowls, or lightly sauted as a side dish. Establishing an adequate amount of leaves in your diet will help you meet the requirements of water and nutrients that may be needed especially in summer months which are mainly hot.

When the heat wave starts and the temperature touches well above 40 degrees to 45 degrees in different regions of the country, the best way to cool down yourself or the whole family is to prepare salads and many other heat wave foods. .

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