
Signs of a narcissistic mother: Therapist explains

Explore the profound impact of a narcissistic mother on adult relationships, from codependency to self-criticism. Unravel the complexities with a therapist's insights.

Unravelling the Impact: Signs of a Narcissistic Mother Explained by a Therapist

Mothers contribute enormously to how one brings us up, shapes our conduct and shape perceptions about love and attachment. The influence of a mother’s love, concern, and words sink in unconsciously while growing up through our lives. This is quite apparent during childhood when we emulate our mothers, an influence which significantly affects how we relate with adults. While this holds most times, when a narcissistic mom is taken into consideration, these difficulties are deep and manifold.

Codependent Relationship: Unraveling the Dynamics

Therefore, many children who are raised by a narcissistic mother develop a codependent relationship. This is explained by how narcissists often blend up each other’s needs, expectations and desires into one “symbiosis” that only heightens the insistent demand for narcissistic supply (“I Want You” song).

Fear of Abandonment and Rejection: Navigating Conditional Love

Narcissists’ love is conditioned to allow them to abandon and reject one person with the idea that she/he may be taking away the narcissist’s needs instead of providing unconditional love to her/him. Abandonment becomes the prevailing feeling for those raised by a narcissistic mother, leading many of them to live with the deep-rooted fear that they will be rejected or abandoned by their significant others.

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Difficulty Trusting: The Legacy of Manipulation

Narcissistic parental figures are naturally inclined towards manipulation and gaslighting, thus denying children an opportunity to develop trust in other people. This fear becomes so deep that an individual does not want to trust anyone again.

Poor Self-esteem: Struggling with Identity

Narcissistic mothers may often see their children as an extension of themselves and try to turn them into mini-copies of themselves. Such a pervasive influence on child’s thinking may make them feel unworthy of their uniqueness and creativity resulting in a bad sense of well being low self-esteem.

Self-criticism: Internalizing the Critical Voice

Internalizing their criticizing voice is one of the long-term effects of having a narcissistic mother. Even when their mothers are not around, children of narcissists frequently develop severe self-criticism because they carry the inner voices of criticism and judgment with them.

Understanding these dynamics is essential for people who want to manage the complexity of their upbringing and create healthy relationships in adulthood. It helps identify the telltale indications of a narcissistic mother. Psychotherapists are essential in assisting people in identifying and overcoming the long-term consequences of growing up under a narcissistic influence, providing a route towards recovery and self-awareness.

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