5 questions that you should definitely ask on your first date!

Asking interesting questions to strike a conversation on your first date is not a bad idea
Modern age dating is very different. People are fast today, the trend of swiping left and right have taken over. They hardly believe in emotional investment but a date is a date, right? The date brings a lot of excitement and nervousness along with it, especially the first date. It can give you goosebumps and butterflies in the stomach. No matter how hard you are crushing on that person, you should have these 5 questions ready on your list. Even if you are going on a date just for fun and don’t want anything serious, you can ask a few questions that will give a clear understanding of that person.
1. Ask their Life Goal
Everybody has a goal in life. You can ask them casually what they want from life, what are their dreams, aspirations. This will give you an insight into their personality. You will get to know them better.
2. People who are close to their heart
Asking about their family on the very first date will be awkward. But you can definitely ask about people who are close to his or her heart. It can be their friend, sibling, mother, father or any aunt.
Read more: 10 Good Reasons to date a Psychologist
3. Ask about their Friends
Everybody loves their friends. They are an integral part of our lives. When you date a person, then mingling with his or her friends is inevitable. In that case, you can ask about his or her friend circle. Don’t forget to pay attention to details when they talk.
4. Something that they are proud of
You should ask this question. Something that they did and are proud of it, people love talking about their achievements. It is a good way to know more about them.
5. Have they ever experienced heartbreak
We all know heartbreaks are important in life as they make you a stronger person. Don’t dig their past but you can casually ask have they ever experienced heartbreak.